Thirty Seven

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Jennie's POV

It has been another two days til I was on my feet again. It was already a total of five days that I have been staying with this generous family. I learned that Taeyang is a business man and his wife Hyorin is a simple housewife. She chose motherhood over career which made me wish that my mom could do the same. But it was already too late since my parents have both missed Irene's and my childhood.

Tony's laughter erupted the whole cabin. He was playing with some boxes and it somehow made him laugh. The sight made me remember Ella. She was also cute, energetic and easy to laugh. I missed her laughter and smile. I wonder if she misses me.

"Excuse me." Both Taeyang and Hyorin turned towards my direction while Tony continued playing. "I'd like to express my sincere gratitude towards your help. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead." But I think dying was a little better than bearing the pain of missing Lisa, Ella and Irene. "If there's anything I can do, please just let me know."

"Oh it was nothing and you don't have to repay us anything. We just did what a good Samaritan would do." Hyorin said as she gave me a cup of hot chocolate. The family and I was in front of the mini fireplace. Taeyang was watching Tony while Hyorin made some chocolate. I can't help but imagine Lisa and I as Taeyang and Hyorin while Tony was Ella. Of course, as a bonus, there's a little bun in Lisa's oven that was almost ready to come out. I smiled at the thought.


I was brought back to reality by Hyorin's voice. "Yeah?"

"Is everything okay? I lost you there."

I felt embarrassed at my day dreaming. "Yes! Sorry.. I was just thinking of something."

"Okay... Just let me know if you feel anything out of ordinary."

"Yes, of course." I then looked at Taeyang. "May I know if it was safe to go back to mainland?"

"Yes. The roads have been cleared. We'll be staying for a day or two. If you wanted to stay longer than that then you may do so, I would ask my staff to refill the stocks."

"It was so generous of you but I think I need to go back and tell at least my sister that I'm safe."

"Yeah... You're right. Sorry, we didn't offer the phone sooner. Would you like to call her?"

"It's not necessary, I'll just drop by her place." Giving the empty cup back to Hyorin, I thanked them again and bid good night as I retreated back to my room.


It was already Saturday when I decided to head back to the city because Taeyang would need to work on Monday.

The couple gave me a ride to Irene's condo. They wouldn't take no for an answer. "Thank you again. And if you ever needed anything, just let me know."

"We will, and if you need help, here's my card." Taeyang gave me his calling card and I took it using my left hand while I offered my right for a shake. Hyorin on the other hand hugged me and wished me well. They were really such a great couple. If all people were like them, then there will be no war. The van took off while I read the card. It said, 'Dong Young-bae Just where did I hear that name?

I walked towards the condominium and since Irene gave me a key, I walked directly to the elevator. I used to live with her so the staff knew me. "Jennie!" I turned around and saw the receptionist Violet calling me. "Oh my goodness! Jennie!" I was shocked when she hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

I frowned, confused at what she was talking about. "What are you talking about?"

"Irene said that you're missing and probably dead. They found dead bodies in your car!" Goodness! Those must be the car jackers!

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