Chapter 16

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Jennie's POV

"Lily! Lily!" I called her name as she was laying on the ground. I don't have any idea on which diapers to get so I followed her to the milk section.

As I rounded up the milk section, all I saw was a guy going out And Lisa falling down as if she saw a ghost. "Lily!" I tried to shake her but she wasn't responding. "Help!" I yelled and thankfully a staff came in.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know. She was already falling down when I saw her. I did my best to catch her."

"Let's give her some space, maybe she fainted."

"Maybe... We had a rough day." I responded. However, I can't help but keep repeating in my mind the man that I saw. Did he do anything to Lisa? I'll make sure he pays if he did.

"It's probably best to bring her to the hospital." She suggested.

"I'll probably just take her home. It must be stress or fatigue. I'll bring her to the hospital if her condition worsen." I told the staff. "By the way, I need some milk, diapers and onesies for a baby girl, can you help me?"

"Sure... I'll take care of it. Just wait at the counter for me." She stood up and took our cart while I carried Lisa bridal style.

Lisa's POV

"Where are you Pranpriya? I'm coming for you..." He said as he approached our kitchen room. I was currently hiding under the sink.

"You can run... But you can't hide..." He continued and it scared me to death. 

"Come out, come out wherever you are..." He said in his deep raspy voice. I heard his footsteps came closer and closer and then it stopped. Did he leave? I don't know.

I pulled my knees towards my chest as I began to sob. I made sure that I don't make any noises. And then the door opened. "There you are."


"Lily!" I opened my eyes and realized I was in the truck. "It's just a dream." It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare. "Are you okay, here drink some water."

"Thank you." I took a sip from the water and knowing that I was with Jennie calmed me down. "What happened?"

"You fainted at the store, a staff helped me with the supplies the I carried you here. Then as I was driving, you started to scream and trash around so I stopped and tried to wake you up. Are you alright?" Her deep eyes at this moment showed nothing but so much sincerity and concern.

"I must have been pretty exhausted. I think I just need to get some rest."

"Yeah... We're close, hang on there."

I was glad that Jennie didn't push the topic further. How come he's out, he should be rotting in jail at this moment. Why would that person needed to return. My eyes widened at the thought of Ella. What if he found out about her. This can't be I can't let him know about her.

I can't.

Jennie's POV

I can't help but notice Lisa's strange and change of behavior. First she fainted, then she had a nightmare and then now, she was fidgeting at her seat and mumbling something. I knew when or when not to push so I decided to let her be. I knew that she'll just raise her walls up again if I pushed further.

"We're here." I told her. Unlocked the door while she went out and walked like a zombie. I took the baby's supplies and decided to ignore the issue. I'll give her time and space. She'll tell me when she is ready to tell me.

"About time you both arrived!" Irene yelled as we stepped to the unit. My ears was assaulted by the sound of baby crying. "Not only this baby started crying but the child woke up and also started crying. She must have been scared to see a complete stranger in the house."

"Jen! Unnie!" Ella then came running to me. I dropped the supplies that I was holding to catch her. Irene on the other hand walked towards me to get the supplies.

"What have you done to her?" She asked me accusingly.

"I didn't do anything!" I yelled back. Lisa just walked towards the island table ignoring even Ella.

My sister took a deep breath and sighed. "We'll talk about it later, let me handle the baby and you tuck her back to sleep."

After I tucked Ella back to sleep, I went outside and saw my sister cradling the baby. "Shhh..." She told me. She motioned me to the kitchen where my eyes landed on Lisa. "Go." She said in a soft voice and then retreated back to my room.

I took a deep breath and braced myself to the possible onslaught. I wished Lisa wouldn't snap at me but knowing her, I believe she can keep her cool down. It must have been the man. That man did or said something to break her.

"Lily..." I whispered her name and as soon as I got near, she threw herself in my arms. "Shh..." I tried to give her a comforting hand but she continued sobing.

"Please don't ask anything." She whispered and I obayed. I just stood there and comforted her. I can feel her pain and sorrow but I can't do a damn thing. I wish she would share with me.

Irene's POV

At last, after changing her diapers and feeding her, she finally fell asleep. It was quite an experience. If it wasn't for my volunteer work then I would have been lost with this child.

As I watched her sleep, the thought of adopting her myself never left my mind. But, I'm not ready yet... I'm only 24. Yes, I had an stable job but I don't have a stable family. Even my current relationship is complicated and it's not suited for the baby. This child needed someone that would give the world to her. She deserves better after what she went through. We may have been wrong about our assumption but All the evidence were pointing at the exact same conclusion.

I held the baby close to me as I watched Lisa cry on the island table. She looked so fragile and vulnerable. My little sister came out of the room and I ordered her to go and comfort her.

After a long deep breath, I shook my head as I absorbed the events that happened. I came her to surprise my younger sister but I'm the only one that got surprised when I found out that she was basically playing house with a complete stranger.

Then there was this baby. An innocent life that was so unfortunate to suffer at such an early age. It was just a great thing that she won't be able to remember anything.

I took the baby to my sister's room to give them some privacy. Good thing she got a big bed and a lot of pillows.

I placed the baby down at the center and secured the area. Then I fell asleep myself.

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