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TW : Mentions of eating disorder.

Charlie stayed inside the jeep trying to catch his breath. Air refused fill his lungs, his hands shook violently. He placed a hand over his heartbeat trying to calm down. He could feel himself go numb. He knew what this was and he hated it.

Somehow, a whole agonizing minute later, Charlie was able to breathe by himself. He drove to the cabin as carefully as he could. His heartbeat was loud in his ears. When he reached, he saw the lights were on but Hopper wasn't home yet.

He could heat music playing loudly from El's room. He assumed Mike and El had made up. He knocked and to his surprise Max opened the door. She beamed at him.

"Hi. We're having a sleepover." She said and looked back El.

"Do you mind if I come in?" Charlie asked.

"We have a strict 'no boys' rule." Max crossed her arm, looking serious. Then she relaxed into a smile and added

"But we can make an exception for you." She stepped away to let him in.

"Thank you." Charlie stepped in and Max closed the door behind them. He sat down leaning against the drawer.

"You look strange." Eleven observed.

"Yeah, she's right." Max agreed. Her eyes wide bed and she said through a dramatic gasp

"Did you and Steve get into a fight?"

Charlie frowned "What? No!"

Max slumped her shoulder sat down opposite him.

"We are fine. I just thought I'd check on El, that's it."

"Okay okay, we were talking our boyfriends I mean ex boyfriends-" Max begun but Charlie cut her off.

"Wait what?"

"Oh El dumped Mike's ass."

Charlie snorted but then quickly caught himself. Max grinned.


"He lies. He treats me like garbage. He said Nana was sick." El started explaining. Charlie listened carefully. He frowned, knowing very well Hopper had something to do with this. Max and El looked at Charlie waiting for him to say something in their favour.

Charlie cleared his throat and spoke
"Okay... I think you and Mike could use some sort out your priorities. And I'm glad and you guys are hanging out now."

"See I told you he'd agree with us." Max climbed down and sat down opposite Charlie.

"How's Steve?" She asked suddenly.

"He's...great." Charlie answered briefly. He had been distant to Steve since morning and he knew Steve was getting worried.

"Is there any problem?" Max pressed.

"Maxine... We're fine. We're happy." Charlie said pointedly.

Max threw her hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, I was just curious, pretty much everyone is having relationship crisis right now."

"Not everyone, any ways. Why did you break up with Lucas?"

"Because just like Mike, he's a liar. He lies like all the time. What do you do when Steve lie to you?"

"He doesn't lie to me." Charlie said with a slight smile.

"Or maybe you've just never caught him."

Charlie rolled his eyes at that. He was about answer that when Hopper angrily pushed the door open. Charlie jumped.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Where stories live. Discover now