Chapter 2: What big teeth you have

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After calming down, Zero now sat on the couch comfortably. Well as comfortably as he could. He was still on high alert.

That was till his stomach grumbled. Even though the boys body was covered in black mist from head to toe, his cheeks suddenly glowed emerald showing he was blushing in emberassment

It was adorable

"I should probably get you something to eat" Aizawa says

Not a moment later his own stomach grumbled

Zero looked at him with large wispy glowing eyes

"I should probably get us something to eat" the man says again

He opened up the fridge. It was empty. Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered how in the hell he survived this long on his own

He couldn't just leave the kid alone to go and buy food. And also the kid looked like he didn't want to be left alone at the moment

"I'll call a friend to get us something to eat then"

He called Mic or Yamada Hizashi, his best friend and colleague and asked if he could get some food. Anything at all and he also specified it as kids food

Hopefully the guy gets a hint of what's going on and just buys food and brings it quickly. Now it was time to figure out what happened to the kid

He let the boy sit on the sofa and simply squatted down in front of him

"Can you speak?" He asked first

The boy shook his head. Aizawa figured that out already. The boy hardly made any vocal sounds. He looked pretty young. Well if his size said anything at all that is. Probably nine years or ten he estimated

Aizawa cleared up the coffee table and found a blank piece of paper and pen

"Can you write?"

The boy nodded

"Then can you tell me your name and what happened to you then?" Aizawa calmly urged

The boy nodded once more and began

In scribbles and smudges the boy had written

The Doctor and Sensei gave me the name Zero. He said I was the first Nomu to be made from and a living person. The doctor cuts me up and then puts me back together. I didn't want to stay with the doctor or sensei any more and so I ran away


The boy was in tears as he wrote the last part. He didn't want to go back. He was scared and tired and didn't want to feel pain anymore

Aizawa quickly pulls the little boy into a warm embrace. Aizawa was shocked and horrified. What did this poor child go through. He was obviously not going to let this child go back to the hell he ran away from

"It's okay. You're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you" Aizawa says

This was human experimentation. And worse it was done on a child. And what did the boy mean when he said -well wrote- Nomu. And that he was made from a living person. The man's mind was reeling at the thought while the little boy continued to cry into his shirt

After calming down again, the boys whispy eyes appeared to be more narrow as it glowed. His eyes must be puffy, Aizawa thought.

The door bell of his apartment rang and then the door was dramatically kicked open

"Yo Shota I got the food!" Hizashi Yamada yelled as he marched in

Zero was startled. And so he panicked. His first instincts were to hide and or find something to protect himself. In this case it was Aizawa

Zero pretty much attached himself to the man's torso and held onto him tight. Now he has no strength quirk but his entire physiology was altered due to the expiments done by the doctor and sensei and as a result the boy was strong

Aizawa was turning blue

"AH ERASER-HEAD!?" Yamada shouted making matters even worse. Anymore and Aizawa's ribs might crack

"It's okay. His a friend. Look he brought food" Aizawa wheezed out to the trembling boy

Hesitantly the boy looks up. Sees the bag of food in the other man's hands but quickly hides again. Luckily for Aizawa he was not nearly squeezing the life out of him this time and simply just holding onto his shirt

The man also figured the boy wasn't letting go anytime soon

Naive the boy was. Grabbing onto the first person to show him kindness but also lucky he was to actually find a good person. Well as good as he could be. Aizawa thought

Carefully and as gently as possible he repositioned the boy so both were sitting comfortably. Then again it felt rather awkward because both weren't used to physical contact or affection but the boy was deprived of it and needed it at the moment.

"So am I gonna get an explanation or what?" Asked Yamada

Aizawa sighs

"Just set out the food on the coffee table and I'll explain"

After setting up and explaining

"Shota..." Yamada says with a twitching brow "Get some sleep"

Zero was finally coaxed out from hiding his face and was now eyeing the food. His stomach grumbled again

Yamada this time spoke at normal volume - he was still loud- and urged the boy to eat

"You must be hungry little listener! Eat up!"

Zero flinched from the man's voice but his stomach took over and he aggressively ate the food. That being a burger. Some chips and pretty much everything

"My what big teeth you have" Yamada says

The boys mouth was not visible at first. And then he opened it and showed rather large canine fangs. Both upper and lower were quite large for such a small child

Now it's nothing new in the world they live in but they weren't expecting that. Aizawa managed to snatch a cup of noodles before everything was devoured and the boys already messy and dirty clothes were now even more messy

Also the kid reeked. He needed a bath

He then started choking. Yamada ran to the kitchen and came back with a cup of water. Zero gulped it down greedily and then found himself satisfied

He shyly gave the cup back and nodded a thanks

"So the little listener can't speak?"

"No. That paper there should give you the gist of what happened to the kid"

Yamada looked at the scribbles and his face blanched

"Are you going to look into this" Yamada asked. His tone serious as was the look on his face

"Isn't that obvious" Aizawa shot back

Zero felt like he caused trouble and looked down

Both pros noticed this. Also being teachers for a few years they could instantly tell as well.

"Hey don't worry little listener. It's our job to do stuff like this and take care people like you" Yamada says

"Don't worry we will find out what happened to you and who you really are. We will also make sure that whoever that harmed you will pay" Aizawa added

A part of him still didn't trust them. But another part of felt relieved. He wasn't sure what to feel but for now he'd just have to wait

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