Chater 8: Kachan's Bento, Almight and The Sludge

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It has been two years now since Aizawa picked him. The boy had grown a bit more and was right now holding onto dear life as he and Allmight were hurtling through the air at neck breaking speed

Aizawa was gonna kill him. Thought Yagi.


How this happened

It all started when Izuku got the bright idea to go out. Finally he was confident enough to be left alone and go out.

Just to be on the safe side he would cover himself up completely.

The boy was home schooled. He was also really smart and so he caught on quickly and Bakugo also helped with the homework that was given to him

If you called yelling and aggressively making corrections helping


Izuku was bored and he just heard of a new hero had debuted in the area. He wanted to go see.

And so with a forest green hoody on, brown trunks with his red shoes. He was ready

He looked like a small tree. Izuku fell to his knees in gloom when he realised. But he sucked it up.

Trees are awesome! He thought to himself

He also picked up his bright yellow back pack and was off. He'll just take a look around and then be back. He summoned a little black cloud to move around faster. Just hoping he doesn't get caught using it

"Oh Izuku!?" Mitsuki Bakugo called

Izuku turned around and saw his aunt. He waved at happily

"Where you off to?"

"Hero!" Izuku cheered

Mitsuki chuckled. Happy to see the little boy she once knew coming back. She has been telling Inko everything. Not leaving out a single detail

When she first told Inko, carefully she had did, she had witnessed a small glimmer of life return to the once sweet woman's sullen eyes

Inko was also coming back. She couldn't wait for the day when mother and son reunited

"Okay, be good then" then she remembered something

"Could you bring Katsuki's lunch. He forgot to bring it with him today" asked Mitsuki

Internally Izuku was manicly laughing like Nezu. Externally Izuku nodded with a

"Plus Ultra!"

Mitsuki smiled and handed the boy the bento and off Izuku went to Bakugo's middle school. He got lost a few times and then he saw a giant villain. Only to be taken down by the new hero Mt Lady.

Izuku furiously started taking notes on the woman's quirk. He then looked at the time. Whoops. He needed to deliver Kachan's lunch

He finally managed to find the school. But now where to find the boy. He would ask for help but the students avoided him. He had his hood up and with his black misty appearance all everyone could see where glowing green eyes

But lucky for him he didn't have to find the boy. The explosive blond found him


With Bakugo

The boy sighed. He and his lackeys were talking. Well they were talking he just ignored them. They were just kissing up to him. They weren't his friends

His only friend was Deku. Even though the misty little runt was making it his personal mission in life to mess with him. Bakugo figured this was probably revenge

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