Chapter 22: Sports Festival

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"To think we are having the sports festival after we got attack by the villains?" Says Shinsou

Aizawa had just announced that they were going to have the sports festival and everyone was excited

"Dad's right. We have to show them that we aren't weak and we can get back right up after any hardships" says Izuku

They were walking back to their classroom. Lunch Rush had secretly gave Izuku some cookies to eat later but the boy decided to share with his friends. Well more like Bakugo had snatched it away from him and then passed on one to each member of Izuku's group before taking the whole thing for himself.

Gremlin walking away

"My cookies" Izuku says pouting

"It's okay Deku-kun, we can share my mochi" says Uraraka making Izuku beam

And after they had gone for a check up, yes indeed, the hyperactivity within Deku whenever he took in sugar or caffeine was indeed a quirk

So to test it out, Izuku consumed a large cup of Aizawa's coffee and instantly went on a rampage. Using his quirk, Aizawa looked at Izuku and instantly he stopped running around and just stood like normal. He was still a bit jittery but it was the normal jitters one would get from drinking a whole lot of coffee

Bakugo, Aizawa and Present Mic slumped. All this time they could have stopped him by just erasing his quirk

(Read in Present Mic voice)

Quirk: Spike

By taking in a large amount of caffeine or sugar or any stimulants, user gains increased speed and agility. However after it burns out, user passes out from exhaustion. There is no way to turn it off once activated unless forcefully stopped with earser

Now Izuku wears a quirk dampener during lunch. So he can eat whatever he wants now. Bakugo was still skeptical on whether it worked and so he took the boys cookies

Also plus the shock absorption Izuku now has seven quirks.


Upon reaching their classroom, the firends found the classroom surrounded by students

"Get the hell out the way you damn extras!" Bakugo shouted

Everyone began murmuring and didn't give way

"At this rate, the whole school is going to think we're are bunch of Assholes" says Shinso

"Hope they realize it's just Kachan" Izuku says. Smiling with his misty green eyes


The day of the sports festival came and everyone was geared up

"Ah crud. I'm not built for this" says Shinso. He looked a bit apprehensive of the whole thing

"You're one to talk!" Shouted Hagakure

True. Apart from invisibility and light refraction, she was in the same boat as Shinso

"All you idiots have to do is just run" says Bakugo

This made the two fall deeper into to gloom. Oh they'll run all right. Shinso was not scared of using others to win. It was just a game afterall. A manic grin growing as he planned.

"I know what you're thinking. Take me with you" says Hagakure and so the two planned what they would do

"Hey you two" Ojiro says hovering over them "I think you're taking this a bit to seriously"

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