Chapter 20: Nomu vs Nomu - I can talk!?

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The remaining students worked together to avoid the warp gate user

They all had seen Izuku go after the black mist collar and aimed for it

Thirteen was out of commission and they needed to get help. And so they sent Iida. Working together they managed to make a way and sent their friend to get help

In the other zones, the students were faring well however down by the plaza was another story

Three of the students that had come from the shipwrecked zone looked upon the scene infront of them in horror. Their homeroom teacher was beneath a blue beast. Beaten and bloodied

"Dad?" Izuku says. His eyes wide with terror. Something in him was breaking. Something that had not been released in a while

"Allmight is not here yet. But oh well, I guess I'll just get rid of some of his precious students then"

Shigaraki reached out. His hand clasping on to Asui's face but nothing happened. Everyone turned to see Aizawa. His quirk activated, saving his student.

Shigaraki clicked his tongue and in that moment, the nomu slammed Aizawa's head back into the ground

Izuku snapped and slashed at Shigaraki. The man jumped back and looked at the boy he hadn't seen in years

"If it isn't the bargain bin Nomu?" Says Shigaraki

Izuku gave a shrill cry of anger and launched himself at the man. The boy was faster and stronger. Shigaraki barely dodged the boys claws as it dug deep into the ground leaving prominent claw marks

"Nomu!" Shigaraki called for the blue beast

Izuku had no time to react as the monster punched him in the gut, sending him flying.

Mineta and Asui watched in horror as their classmate fought. The sounds of bone snapping back into place came and Izuku was back. Now more feral then before

Nomu against Nomu they fought in a bloody and gruesome battle. Izuku had bit down and clawed at the beast, removing bloody chunks but it kept regenerating. The same as Izuku. The monster grabbed him by the leg crashing his bones and slamming him into the pavement. But the boy regenerated just as fast as the beast and continued his fight

His classmates wanted to stay and help but they knew they would get in the way

"Come on, we have to get sensei out of here!" Asui says

The two managed to grab their teacher and quickly hurried out of the battle area. And finally, after what felt like forever, Allmight arrived

"I AM HERE!" The hero bellowed and quickly sprung into action

"His finally here" Shigaraki says "nomu hurry and get rid of that fake one"

The Nomu listened and grabbed at Izuku and then flung him with the strength of Allmight across the plaza to only the heavens know where

"Young Midoriya!" Almight shouted in worry

But he had no more time to worry as the beast came at him. They were locked in battle. Almight was just about to have the upper hand but Kurogiri arrived. Saving the Nomu.

But before the warp gate could go for his attack, a blast came and pinned him down. Another attack was thrown at Shigaraki but the villain swiftly avoided it and then ice encased the Nomu

"Hey you fucker. Aren't you the same as Deku. Aren't you his friend!?" Bakugo pretty much snarled at the warp gate

"I am Kurogiri, Shigaraki Tomura's caretaker. Izuku Midoriya is now my enemy" says the warp gate

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