Chapter 3: Izuku Midoriya

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Zero had unofficially claimed Aizawa's home as his. It's been about a month since the sleep deprived hero picked him up

The first few weeks, he had refused to let Aizawa leave him alone. Pretty much attaching himself to his leg, side or back. Yamada would laugh his head off.

He also refused to leave the house so Aizawa had to stay home.

Wow.... the man thought to himself. He really did pick up a problem child

Anyway as time passed the boy finally got used to being seperated from Aizawa. He was never left alone. Always with either Yamada or Kayama Nemuri. Also known as Midnight

Aizawa also noticed that the boys belongings were slowly growing in number. That and he may have unofficially became the boys guardian

The investigations on the boys situation and where he came from turned into a cold case. They had found an old and abandoned labatory just outside the city they were in

The place was cleaned up. There was nothing or any signs of use. However there was a broken window on the fifth floor

Aizawa had asked the boy about the labatory and the little one confirmed that he came from there. He also drew pictures of him jumping out the window

Aizawa lost all colour when the boy excitedly gestured his escape. It broke and shook his very being thinking about the trauma the boy went through

But then the question of how he survived that fall. Zero stabbed himself in the palm of his hand with a pen to show he had instant regeneration

That scared the hell out of Aizawa. For the first time he scolded the boy and told him to never do that again. Zero was suddenly afraid of the man but Aizawa quickly reassured him that he was just worried

They had to wait a bit longer for Zero to settle in more before they moved on into investigating the boys back ground

And also move into a completely different area because who knows if that doctor was still around

And finally after convincing Zero to have some of his blood drawn for testing which involved sacrificing Aizawa's hand they finally got the results


It was late. Zero was sleeping soundly in his room. Midnight watched over him as a number of people were gathered in the living room

Each of them had a different aura over them. But it was suffocating to say the least

Allmight a.k.a Yagi Toshinori was seething. His friend, detective Tsukauchi had told him about the case. He knew with every fibre of his being that the boy was some how connected to All For One and from the looks of it, the poor child was another of the countless victims

Eraser-Head and Present Mic were seething in rage, confusion and so many other undesirable emotions from what was revealed from the blood test. 

Nezu, Recovery Girl and the Detective sat in somber silence

"I may need to do more test but it seems as though the DNA of other people and-" Recovery Girl looked at the two younger pro heroes in the room

"It seems their DNA was grafted onto the child's DNA somehow" Nezu finished

"This child went missing about four years ago when he was only eight years old" Tsukauchi says as he placed a picture of the child on the files.

A bight and happy smile that rivaled the sun with eyes filled life. He held an Allmight figurine in his hand as he pumped his fist into the air. Allmights signature move. He looked just like any other ordinary child. His sun-kissed skin and freckles that dusted his face and the fluffy and curly green-balck hair he had.

The boys name was Midoriya Izuku

Yagi and Yamada were already in tears just thinking about what may have happened to the child.

And how did the child have his DNA. Two of the pros wondered

"The boys mother was admitted to a mental institution after losing her mind from the grief of losing her son. I've paid her a visit but it appeared she was is a disassociated state of mind. We found nothing about the father however

He was previously quirkless and from what we have gathered so far we can only assume he was experimented on and given quirks" the detective says with a heavy sigh right after

"This is no doubt, his doing" Yagi began

He couldn't help but feel responsible. That man was still alive and causing misery and misfortune. He had suddenly transformed into his muscled form as he seethed in rage towards All For One.

Yagi was just about to speak when the sound of footsteps suddenly approached the living room

Everyone turned around and found Midnight. A sleepy and now revealed Midoriya Izuku holding her hand as he rubbed his eye.

If it was four years ago that he was only eight, that meant the boy was supposed to be twelve years old. The boys growth was stunted. Aizawa remembered the kid was nothing but skin and bones the night he picked him up

"His so small" Allmight says with tears in his eyes

Izuku finally looked at everyone. Shy at first he hid behind Midnight's legs. He was just thirsty and wanted water

He then saw the big man that was with Aizawa and everyone else. Something pulled at his mind

He knew this man. Well more like knew about this man. Something. There was something that was trying to appear in his mind. An emotion had filled the boys heart when he saw the man

He excitedly ran up to the man and looked at him in awe. Everyone looked at the boy confused. The boy started pumping his fist in the air and then

"Plus Ultra!" The boy says with little laugh in the end

Midnight gasped as did Yamada. Aizawa looked at the boy in awe. Everyone did. This was the first time he spoke. This was the first time he was hearing his voice

"Plus Ultra!" The boy said again. His tone happy

Izuku remembered. He remembered the hero. The hero he and his friend looked up to and the one his mom would let him watch on the computer

Wait friend? Mom? Who were they? He looked down confused.

His remembering!

Everyone thought

Everyone looked at each other and as though they had the same thought they nodded. But all eyes were on Aizawa.

"Izuku" Aizawa gently called

The reaction was instantaneous. The boy looked up at him with shocked wispy eyes. The boy knew deep down for some reason that, that was his name.

His name was not Zero. That was just his number. He knew he had an actual name. But a name he couldn't remember

But now he heard it. He found his name. His name was given back to him

"Midoriya Izuku" Aizawa says

Tears filled the little boys eyes. That was his name. Aizawa was calling his name. Izuku ran to his guardian. His name. He has his name back. They heard sobs coming from the boy

"You were able to bring his memory back" said Recovery Girl as he looked Allmight.


Allmight had no answer but then he glanced at the picture. The Allmight figurine and fist to the air. Everyone guessed it

Little Midoriya Izuku was probably a fan boy. They all chuckled. Allmight promised he would do everything in his power to help this boy

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