Chapter 16: The Smiling Snake

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Today there was going to be Hero training and the first lesson with Allmight. Everyone got into their hero costumes and followed Allmight

Izuku's costume was a simple green and black suit.

And a sniper rifle!

"Oh no young Mid- young Izuku. Aizawa-kun has given me strict orders to not let you use that" Allmight says taking the gun away from the boy

Izuku pouted and walked away. Using Aniform took up alot of energy and also calories since he uses them to transform. His was a brawler but he wasn't really built to be one. He was light on his feet and was more of a thinker. Prioritizing capturing and imobolizing.

Thus the reason for a gun to incapacitate the opponent. Snipe may have had to much influence on the kid

"Why does Deku have that!" Bakugo shouted

Ghost pain suddenly affecting his rear. Once, just once, Izuku may have shot his paint ball gun at home. The paint bullet may have went through his window and through the window of his neighbors house and hit the neighbor. That being Bakugo

There was an unholy scream that day and Izuku never told him that it was him who pulled the trigger. He had hid his paint ball gun away everytime Bakugo came over

"Wait... Deku it was you!" Bakugo shouted

Izuku jumped onto Allmight's shoulders. A good height away from Bakugo.

"Now, now, young Bakugo. I'm sure Izuku didn't mean to" Allmight says. Izuku furiously nodded

Bakugo wanted to punch the kid. He did promise not to hurt the boy anymore but he got shot on the butt cheek with a paint ball gun. He wanted revenge

"How the fuck do you know about that!?" Bakugo shouted at Allmight. The boy was now flustered that his idol knows about that

Yagi was there that day to hear the unholy scream and not as Allmight obviously.

"Mic told me!" Allmight says. Skillfully diverting the boys rage while sacrificing his collegue

He'll apologize later

"I'm seriously gonna kill that Hippie one day" Bakugo snapped

"You guys seem pretty close" says Kaminari

Izuku hopped of Almight and took his little writing pad and explained

Kachan and I are childhood friends. Somethings happened and I was away for a while and then reunited three years ago. We also neighbors. I'm also under Aizawa sensei's custody. Present Mic Sensei has been friends with Aizawa sensei for a long time so he often visits. Kachan always ends up in a fight with him though

Izuku sighs after writing

Kaminari simply laughs

"For a kid who can't talk. You sure are talkative" he says and places are hand on the shorter teens head

His eyes suddenly widened with stars

"Wow, it's so soft!" He says

"I know right!" Uraraka cheered as she to came to place a hand on the boys head

"It's like playing with a little cloud"

One by one the classmates came to touch the misty boys hair. Slightly forgetting they had an exercise to do

"That's enough everyone, we have an exercise to complete!" Iida shouts while chopping the air with one hand

"Say that after you remove your hand from Deku's head you damn four eyes!" Bakugo shouted. Said teen was getting a head ache from all of this

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