Chapter 26: The Tournament continues - Todoroki vs Izuku

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The battles continue

Iida got used for advertising

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were an even match

Hagakure and Ashido was an interesting match. Ashido couldn't see Hagakure but the pink one made good use of her quirk and located her invisible friend by sound and got her in a choke hold making the invisible one yield. Greatly displaying her combat ability

Tokoyami and Dark shadow pushed Momo out of bounds

It was almost an even match with Shinso and Sero. Sero and his tape almost got hold of Shinso but the purple haired boy has been training under Eraser-Head with Izuku as his tortur- training partner and so he evaded easily.

It was a battle of tapes and binding gear. Getting the dark haired boy to talk was the challenge and Shinso used some underhanded tactics

"Did you hear about what happened in the latest chapters of canon My Hero Academia!?" Shinso asked with grin

"Don't break the fourth wa-" Sero was under his control

"Oi don't break the fourth wall!" Eraser-Head scolds

Everyone is just confused. Both at what they were saying and why Sero suddenly froze

Mic was already going off and explaining Shinso's quirk and everyone was awestruck by it. So many spoke of its usefulness. It was his win as Sero walked out of bounds

And then it was Bakugo and Uraraka

Uraraka gave a good fight. The crowed started booing at Bakugo but Eraser-Head snapped at them and defended both his students. It came as a suprise to everyone that Bakugo helped Uraraka onto the stretcher and accompanied her to the infirmary

Grumbling along the lines of

"Deku's going to bite me"

Uraraka simply laughed and teased Bakugo about his brother complex. Izuku found them in the infirmary. He was worried for Uraraka and also wanted to congratulate Bakugo but was stuck in between and so

"Just congratulate round face for keeping up" Bakugo snaps

Izuku smiles and hugs both of them. There was a break to fix the platform and then it was Todoroki And Izuku's turn

This was going to be a tough battle

The effect of Endevour's scream and startled face had finally worn off and was back to spite

Close combat was out of the question. Only way to win against Izuku was to get him out of bounds

And so the battle begun

Todoroki had noticed that it took time for Izuku to fully shift into an animal and so he  kept Izuku at bay, giving him no time to shift. The boy evaded the ice but at one point couldn't and punched through it

To their shock, the punch blasted through it. And there was faint sparks of electricity dancing over him. Kaminari's electricity

Oh shit!?

Thank God for Mic though

"Oh would you look at that, Aizawa's beast shifted hand broke through the ice!"

Izuku wasn't semi shifted. But he was now. That wasn't the Animorph quirk. That was something else.

Izuku had absorbed Kaminari's attack during the first. This was Izuku's shock absorption quirk

Todoroki gritted his teeth. This was going to be a harder challenge now. Absorbing the force and then throwing it back

But Izuku was sticking to the rules and stuck with one quirk. Well actively. Karma sense and regeneration was always active anyways.

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