Chapter 1: A runaway and Sleep Deprived Hero

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He had enough

No more!

He hated the place. Even though he had no where else to go, he ran anyways. To where? He didn't care. He just needed to get as far away from the place he came from

He was sick and tired of the needles. Sick and tired of being cut open and stitched back up, over and over again

He was sad to leave his friends though

Well he thought of the boy he spent time with as a friend. Tenko or better known as Shigaraki Tomura would bully him alot but since it was just the two of them, there were times when they would play together. Well since he was the younger one, Tomura would simply tolerate him and teach him stuff and then play video games together

He thought of Kurogiri. The other nomu that took care him. The only one that care for him and teach him things 

But then the doctor would come

The doctor would experiment on him over and over again and so he had enough

Using all his strength and the quirks that were forced upon him he finally broke free. He saw the doctor coming. And two lackeys started chasing after him.

The boy didn't think. He turn tail and ran. He didn't know where he was. Then he finally found a window.

He didn't think, he threw himself out the window. It was a long way down and the impact upon meeting the pavement wasn't anything other than painful. But his regeneration quickly kicked in

His bones and muscles quickly snapping back into place. He stood up and ran once more

The boy didn't know his own name. They simply called him Zero. Saying he was the first of his kind. A Nomu that even though had no memories, retained the personality of who they once were.

He was the first that had such strong will power and the ability to go against Sensei's orders. He never liked Sensei. The man felt terrifying, dangerous and evil.

Zero couldn't explain it other then that. Someone who just wanted to destroy everything and anything in his path. Someone who had killed so many innocents

Zero finally decided to stop and rest. But he knew he couldn't stay for long. He knew there might be something on him that they might be using to track him

A tracker was in his neck

Morphing his hands into claws he tore off a bloody chunk. His wound healed as he glared at the bloody device attached to what was once part of his neck. He angrily crushed it.

Now believing he was safe, he allowed himself to calm down a bit. But he knew he needed to move to another area and so he ran again once more

He ran and ran till his body finally decided to stop. The last thing he saw was a simply a pair of boots that was approaching


A certain pro hero was fueled by caffeine, Spite and juice pouches and he needed sleep. He was patrolling for a week straight. During the day he was helping the police investigate a ring of underground fight clubs

Not only that but he was a teacher

And like every other person in the world in a sleep deprived state. They end up doing things they won't remember or properly recall what they did the night before when morning comes

So when he saw a child, probably around nine years old, seemingly dead and his clothes all bloody lying in an alleyway, he did what his brain - that was not functioning properly- thought was the most logical

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