Chapter 15: First Day of Class

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Today was it. He woke up early. The same time as Aizawa and got ready.

He was excited and nevours. The events of the entrance exam still not forgotten.

"You ready?" Asked Eraser-Head

Izuku nodded and off they went to school. They were early. No students in sight just yet. And then one arrived

"Good morning! I am Tenya Iida" says the tall teen upon seeing Izuku

"Iida!" Izuku shouted and started chopping the air with his hands. He remembered him from that gala two years ago

"Oh... you must be the little boy from that time. Wait how are you here?" Asked Iida

Izuku face palmed and quickly wrote on a pad

I'm the same age as you all. My growth was just stunted back then

Izuku also knew about him because one of Aizawa's friends, pro hero Ingenium would not stop talking about his little brother. Izulu had wanted to tell him that he had met the teen before but he couldn't quite say the boys first name and just kept saying Iida.

"I see. But I'm glad you seem to be getting better!"

Izuku smiled with his eyes and gave a thumbs up. There was still a whole lot of time before classes began and so he decided to give his first friend a tour

Once they returned to class, a number of others were already there. Three familiar looking individuals

"You are the damn four eyes from the entrance exam!" Bakugo shouted upon seeing Iida. Explosions in his hand

"You were disrespecting the teacher!" Iida yelled back

"You don't know what that damn Hippie is like so shut up!"

And so the two began arguing. Izuku went to greet the others and was happy to see it was the two he had met at the recommendations exam. The recommended students exam was held a day earlier then the others.

"Well hello Izuku-kun" says Yaoyorozu Momo

Still after years, Izuku was still not revealed to the public. With the boys appearance that had been drastically altered, who knew what kind of attention he would get

It's been about nearly over three years now but Aizawa and the others weren't taking any chances. Izuku to. Quirkless eight year old disappears and the reappears with a quirk. The press would even attempt to paint the heroes in a bad light

They did fail to save him but not everyone can be saved. Izuku knew that. Heroes weren't omnipotent. They were human to.

"Momo!" Izuku greeted

Izuku was not gonna try and say her last name anytime soon. Her name was a freaking tongue twister. Yet he could say Pomeranian...

And then the last boy

"To... do... ro.... ki" Izuku carefully sounds

"Todoroki!" Izuku cheered upon being able say the name

The dual coloured haired boy nods in greeting. He remembered the boy from that gala some years back. The one that couldn't speak properly. He had also met him again during the day of the recommendation exams

And with the that all their future classmates arrived. Some together and some one their own. There was going to be twenty one of them

(Why 21? Because I want to!)

Izuku was excited to make new friends. Izuku went around greeting everyone. Attempting to say their names but failing at some

"It's okay kid. You'll get it next time" one blond with black lightning streak on on his hair says

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