Chapter 27: The Tournament ends - Old Names, New Meanings

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The The battles continued the audience got to see what 1A was made of as it was only the students that had survived the Villain attacks now

Iida quite literally kicked Kirishima out of bounds

Tokoyami and Dark Shadow pushed Ashido out of bounds

As for Shinso and Bakugo

"Don't even try to ask me about my brother complex Brain Dead! I already accepted that shit, Fuck Damn it!" Bakugo all but yelled

Shocking Shinso and after that the blond kept his mouth shut and then knocked out Shinso

And so they all excelled into the finals


All the while, a hero down in Hosu found something

Ingenium promised to heed his friends words and called for back up before proceeding down a suspicious alleyway

But he should have waited


When Izuku came to, he was home and in his bedroom. Nemuri Kayama beside him. That was odd, why was Midnight here

"Aunty Nem" Izuku asked weakly

He tried to sit up but the pain killers and everything he was given made him drowsy and so he didn't have the strength

Kayama sat up and the first thing Izuku noticed was blood shot eyes. As though she had been crying

Izuku sat up instantly

"Wha- what happened!?" He asked

"Izuku no, lie back down please" Kayama tried to push the boy back into bed

"But what's wrong? Somethings wrong?" Izuku tried

Tears were already welling up in the boys eyes. He knew something was wrong, he could feel it.

His dad?

No, he was fine the last he saw him. And so was Mic, Allmight and the rest of-

"Uncle Tensei!?" Izuku gasped

Iida Tensei brother of Iida Tenya was one of his dad's best friends. Tensei often came over and helped Aizawa out when it came to taking care of Izuku. Since the man had a little brother of the same age

The turbo hero had always promised to introduce Izuku to his younger brother when Izuku was ready but that was uneeded since they met in school. But Tensei had always spoken about Tenya, and he had also told Tenya alot about Izuku. And so the two had instantly become friends upon entering UA

And now something happened to him

"No Izuku, please go back to sleep" Kayama tried and hugged the boy

"Wha- what happened aunty Nem?" Izuku asked

"He- he was attacked. A villain that was going by Stain the hero Killer git to him" Kayama says with fresh tears

Izuku started crying as well. Izuku had known. He had sensed it. He knew something was going to happen

"My quirk..." Izuku started "my quirk told me something bad was going to happen" Izuku cried "I should have done more"

"Oh sweet heart" the woman hugged the boy "You couldn't have known the extent of this. Please don't feel like you could have stopped this... it's fine. Tensei's going to be fine"

"But Iida- Tenya. How's Tenya!?" Izuku asked

Worried for his friend. Iida had left the sports festival The moment he got word. And it was only after did the hero's friends get word and from the detective no less

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