Cops and Robbers

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"Shots fired, first national bank on Baker and Queen. Two male subjects, both look like they're carrying machine guns," Winnie says as we race to the scene.

"Do we have any names?" Ed asks.

"No, but we do know they're between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, " she replys.

"Spike in the truck, Wordy Jules witnesses, Sam set up a perch, Ed you're on tac, Lillian you're my second," Sarge says as we pile out of the black Chevy suburbans.

"Copy," we all reply. I run over to Greg, and he hands me a pair of binoculars.

"Tell me what you see," he says as seeing I'm the best profiler.

"One subject is behind the desk with an employee, he's tense, very nervous. The second one is pacing back-and-forth, anxious maybe," I reply looking at each subject, studying them.

"I've got a solution," Sam says through the headsets.

"Spike, you got any names?" Ed asks looking into the bank.

"Nothing, are there any identifying markers on either of them?" Spike asks sounding frustrated.

"Um, there's a tatoo on one of their arms, looks like a snake maybe," I reply.

"Snake, ok I can work with that," he replys.

"This is Sergeant Greg Parker with the Police Strategic Response Unit. I'm talking to the men in charge, I'm going to call the phone inside and would like you to answer it," Sarge says into a megaphone. He calls and one of the subjects picks up.

"Patching through audio now," Spike says.

"Thank you for picking up," Sarge says.

"Lillian, are you any good with computers?" Spike asks.

"Yeah, " I reply glancing at mobile command.

"Meet me in the truck," Spike says. I run over to the command truck, and go inside. I see Spike typing away on his computer, while simultaneously trying to gain video feed from the CCTV cameras from inside the bank.

"You called?" I ask seting my gun on the rack.

"Keep searching through files for me?" He asks sliding over a chair. "Got it," I reply typing as I sit down. Spike isn't that bad looking, I think as I glance at him.

"Got a name for you Lillian," Sarge says.

"Let's here it," I reply

"Christian Westfall," Sarge replys, and then he talks to Ed and Wordy about entry options.

"Christian Westfall,18, arrested for gun trafficking,posession, assault, assault with a deadly weapon. This guy's all over the map," I reply.

"Alright, we've got eyes," Spike says right as Sarge walks in.

"Great," he replys looking at Spikes screen. I look over at Spike, then glance at the screen.

"Looks like we can either enter through the fire escape, or the back door," Sarge says.

"Why not both," Wordy says earning a laugh from Ed.

"Our second subject is Matthew Westfall. He's 16, nothing on his record except for a sealed file," I say into the comms.

"Open it, we need to know what it is," Ed says.

"On it," I reply typing quickly on the keyboard as Spike watches.

"Petty theft, but it wasn't him it was his brother," I say.

"Then why are they working together now?" Jules asks.

"Revenge maybe," Sam suggests.

"But why work as a team?" I question looking at Spike.

"We need to go in now. Alpha team, Wordy and myself. Bravo team, Jules and Lillian, " Ed says.

"Copy," we all reply. I grab my gun and a sheild, and meet up with Jules as we head toward the back of the building. I open the door and we head inside, clearing rooms as we go.

"Ed, you negotiate," Sarge says.

"Copy," Ed replys. We reach the lobby of the bank, and Wordy tips something over.

"Go see what that was," Christian orders. Matthew goes over to Ed and Wordy. Then Ed puts him in a sleeper hold, cuffs him, and Wordy escorts him out the back door to a cruiser.

"Jules cover me," Ed says, and Jules goes over to Ed, picks up Wordy's sheild, and sheilds them as they walk out in the open.

"Christian, my name is Ed Lane. I'm with the Police Strategic Responce Unit," he says as Christian pulls the hostage he's holding in front of him.

"Don't come any closer," Christian says pointing his gun at the hostages head.

"Lillian, get those other hostages," Sarge says as Wordy walks up behind me. We slowly make our way across the room once Christian has his back turned to us.

"Are any of you hurt?" I ask quietly.

"The manager, he's in the back office. First door on the right," a woman informs me. I nod and Wordy gets them out the door.

"Winnie, we need EMS," I say and quickly and quietly as possible start my way towards the managers office. Christian must've senced my movement as he turns around and fires in my direction. Wordy and I dove to the floor as a single shot rang throughout the building.

"Guys status," Sarge says over the headsets.

"Jules and I are good," Ed says.

"No harm," Wordy replies as I rush to the managers office.

"Get the paramedics in here," Jules says as I apply pressure to the mans abdomen. The medics come in, and get to work as I step back out of the way.

"Good work team," Sarge says and soon we're heading back to SRU headquarters for debreif. I walk out of the locker room a few minutes later to see Spike and Winnie arm wrestling. Ed shoves Spikes hand down, making him lose as everyone laughs. I smile slightly, and go down to my truck. It's been a long day, and I need sleep.

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