Robbers and Their Backstories

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"Guys, what's your twenty?" Sarge asks.

"Ten seconds away," Ed replies...

"You could tell us where he is, we could stop all of this," Jules says stepping closer.

"No! He has a lot of people, they'll come after me!"


"Come on Sam, this is your negotiation," Sarge says as Jules holds a fake knife to my throat.

"I just want to talk," Sam says as we start over again.

"Okay fine, talk," Jules says.

"Can you tell me why we're here today?" Sam asks.

"She took him from me,and I want him back!" Jules demands as I roll my eyes.

"Who did she take?" Sam asks.

"My son,she took my son," Jules replies. I see Sam take a deep breath.

"Ma'm I'm sorry, but this isn't the way to solve your problem," Sam says sympathetically.

"Hey, this knife is hurting my throat. Do you think you could, oh I don't know, let me go!" I say struggleing in Jules' grip. Sam tries to tell me to keep calm, and I also notice Ed and Spike silently laughing.

"Shut up!" Jules demands and fake stabs me.

"Hostage killed...again," Ed says.

"Oh the pain! It hurts, I'm dieing. Oh what a cruel world!" I say as I stumble to the ground. I gasp and fall over 'dead'. Everyone starts laughing as Sam helps me up.

"Sorry I keep killing you," Sam says laughing.

"Eh, im eternal," I reply, then the alarm goes off.

"Team One hot call, bank robbery in progress on the corner of fifth and Main," Winnie says over the ear piercing alarm.

"Do we know anything else?" Ed asks.

"One subject, about a dozen hostages. One of the office workers managed to escape through the back door before he ordered them to the main lobby," Winnie replies.

"Spike, we're going to need CCTV asap. Sam sierra one, Lillian talk to the office worker, Jules your with the boss," Ed says handing out assignments as we step out of the vehicles.

"Copy," we all reply. I walk over to a woman who seemed to be waiting for us.

"I'm officer Lillian Carson with the Police Strategic Response Unit, are you the office worker?" I ask.

"Yes, I went out the back door after he fired his gun," says the blonde headed woman.

"Can you tell me what his state of mind was when he entered the bank?" I ask.

"He was jumpy, really nervous,and he kept looking at the clock," she replies.

"Can you tell me anything else," I ask while listening to Ed talk about entry options.

It Was Always You (FLASHPOINT/Spike love story) *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now