All Fall Down

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I walked to my locker and grabbed my uniform shirt. It was hot, due to the broken air conditioner. I see Lillian joking with Ed, and I am a little jealous. Her sense of humor made up for the intense seriousness she has during our calls.

"I'm going to die in this heat," I exclaim as I button up my sleeves.

"I'll write you a note to get out of class," Ed says jokingly.

"Could you, would you officer Lane," I reply as we all laugh. Then Greg walks in,

"Boss, whats the word?" Ed asks.

"The repair man will be here tomorrow to fix the air conditioner, " he says.

"Boss, did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I say sarcastically. Then the alarm goes off.

"Team One Hot Call, suit up," Winnie says as we get our gear and head to the trucks.

"Shots fired at a hospital, two lone gunman. Male, carrying pistols, last seen running up the stairs in the hospital," Winnie informs us. Ed and the boss were in the truck in front of us, then Lil and I, then Jules and Sam seeing as Wordy is now with Guns and Gangs. Winnie told us the address, and Ed handed out assignments.

"Spike in the truck, Boss you lead command post, Sam Jules sweep the area where the shots came from and witnesses. Lillian and I will head up the stairs looking for the gunmen."

"Copy that," we reply. We arrive shortly after that, and I run over to mobile command.

"Spike, hook into the CCTV's. We need to know what happened," Sarge says as I type furiously on the keyboard.

"Do we have any idea why these men wanted to shoot people in a hospital?" Lil asks. I listen to their conversation, while watching the video feed.

"Boss, I've got a name for you, Cole Palmer. He's been busted for posession twice, and served three months in jail, the guy's affiliated with a gang well know for their drug operation," I say feeding the team info through the comms.

"Any idea who the other guy is?" Sam asks.

"No, he keeps his face hidden the whole time," I reply.

"Witnesses say they were looking for a Ray Carson. When the receptionist wouldn't tell them where he was, they freaked and shot a nearby nurse," Jules says.

"Jules, did you say Ray Carson?" Lil asks.

"Yea, why?" Jules replies.

"Ray Carson is my dad," she says sounding like she was running up the stairs or down a hallway.

"Lillian, what would your dad have to do with this?" Sarge asks.

"I don't know, he's been in the ICU for six months," she replies. I feel bad for her, my dads in the hospital too so I know how that feels.


I rushed to the ICU with Ed on my heels. I walked into the room to see Violet, the ICU's receptionist.

"Hey Lil, everything okay?" She asks.

"Has anyone been here to see my dad?" I ask between breaths.

"No, why?" She asks.

"Boss, I need uniforms up here guarding Ray Carsons' room," Ed says as we walk to my dad's room. I was on edge, was it my brother? Mom? I don't know.

"Do you have any family or friends that would want to hurt your dad?" Ed asks breaking me from my thoughts. Then the uni's showed up and we left.

"My mom left when I was twelve, and we don't have many close friends," I reply. Then I'm grabbed from behind, and Ed turns around.

"Put down the weapon!" Ed says, more like yells, pointing his gun towards us.

"Good to see you again sis," my brother wispers in a raspy voice. I haven't seen him in about 6 years.

"Eddie, what's going on?" Boss asks, and I still have on my headset. Great, now I know how they're going to kill my brother.

"Lil's been taken hostage," Ed wispers as Sam and Jules show up.

"I'm on my way up there," Sarge says and within a few minutes he's up here.

"Sir, my name is.." Sarge starts but gets cut off.

"I know who you all are, I've been keeping tabs on my baby sister for years," my brother, Dylan, says. He's been stalking me?

"Ok, can I ask you why we're all here today?" Sarge asks.

"I needed to talk with Lillian, that's all," Dylan replys.

"Talk to her about what?" Sarge asks.

"Jenny," he says and my heart crumbles. Jenny, my baby sister.

"Spike," Ed wispers.

"Jenny Carson, she passed away when, oh my god. When she drowned at age eleven in a pool in their backyard," Spike says with sadness in his voice, as a tear makes its way down my face.

"You all know what happened I presume, " Dylan says.

"Yes, and I'm very sorry for your loss," Sarge says, and Dylan laughs.

"It wasn't my loss. It was Lillians, and my father," Dylan replied.

"Why wasn't it your loss Dylan, she was your baby sister too," Sarge says, and I notice Ed is gone.

"No, she wasn't. She was a reminder of why my mom left, so I took care of the problem," he says, and I try to look at him but he jerks me back around.

"You killed Jenny?" I ask.

"No, but once I left and joined Plamers' gang I told them about Jenny. Next thing I know is that they came back and said she died because they drowned her," Dylan says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because after mom left I hated Jenny. It was her fault mom left!" Dylan shouts pointing the gun at my head.

"Dylan, put the gun down. Put the gun down, or we'll be forced to shoot you," Sarge says as Sam and Jules weapons are aiming for him.

"No, tomorrow is the anniversary of Jennys death, and I want Lillians death to be the same day," Dylan says. He wants to kill me!

"Dylan, you will not kill her. No one has to die today," Sarge says.

"Who said anything about killing her today?" Dylan says and raises his weapon at me, and a shot goes off. I'm dead, I'm gone.

"Subject contained, good work team," I hear Sarge say. I'm alive, thank god. I pick myself up off the floor, and lean on the wall.

"Lil, you ok?" Jules asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I reply grasping the fact that my brother is dead.

"Let's go debreif," Sarge says, and we go back the the station. After debreif Jules comes up to me,

"Hey, if you need me to come over tomorrow I will," Jules says considering tomorrow Team One has a day off.

"Yeah, thanks Jules, " I reply and change. I walk out of the locker room and run into a wall. Wait, no its Spike.

"Um, I was just about to knock," he says.

"Its fine, you need something?" I ask as we walk down to the parking lot.

"I just wanted to say sorry, about your sister," he says

"Thanks," I say wiping away a stray tear. Then he looks at me.

"Don't look at me like that," I say smacking him lightly.

"Sorry," he says as he starts to walk away.

"Spike, its okay. You didn't do anything," I say grabbing his hand before he walks away. Then he looks from me to our hands.

"Sorry," I say blushing and let his hand go.

"Now who's apologizing?" He asks jokingly. We both say bye, and head home. I like Spike, I really like him. Then I have an idiotic grin on my face as I drive home.

It Was Always You (FLASHPOINT/Spike love story) *EDITED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ