New Beginnings

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My name is Hikari Takahashi.
I am 17 years old and I used to live in the states just last week, but now im living with my mom over here in Tokyo, Japan. Crazy, huh?

I decided to live with my mom until I finish high school.
I've been told that I could face something called culture shock, but at the same time, my mother has always tried to raise me the way she was culturally brought up.

When I first arrived to this new school, I was quickly welcomed by my new classmates who were...very intrigued by my hair and eyes first before actually being intrigued by the actual me.

"Cut it out everyone, will you!? Give her some space!"

And that's when I met Kagome. Fierce. Nice, and very pretty.
We quickly became friends and I was integrated into her group of friends who quickly treated me as one of their own.

After helping me out there, they quickly realized just how fluent I was in Japanese as I was in English. It's like I had two mother tongues instead of one. I couldn't help but feel flustered at such praises.

We decided to head over to a fast food restaurant after classes were over and that's when Kagome revealed to me that my mother and her mother were close friends, that she had instructed Kagome to give a helping hand and an escort back home after class. Well, I felt very relieved.

After having our fill, the group dispersed and I stayed with Kagome while she led the way back to her home. I would be staying over with her after all.

Six hours later

"Ah...the shampoo feels so nice..."

Shampoo, the hot water from the tub and the scented candles that Kagome lent over made a mixture of serene peace. I was tired, and this just made all that tiredness lift off with ease. I scrubbed my scalp and stroked my hands along my hair washing off the impurities, then I slid into the bottom of the tub, submerging into the hot water before just resurfacing moments later with my hair sticking to my skin and little remains of shampoo. It felt so...refreshing.

After that nice bath, I resided within the Higurashi guest house. An entire Minka styled house for me. My mom would have stayed with me, but she herself had to leave back to her home for work in the morning while I stayed here.
The home was very traditional with the exception of the more modern technology upgrades.

By ten, I already found myself drifting off to sleep, and I would've fallen completely asleep had I not heard the yowls of what I think was Kagome's cat and the words of a man.

"Shut up, you mangy cat!"

That was definitely not the voice of anyone I've met so far here, so naturally, that startled me. I pushed myself off the bed and moved over to the window, grabbing the shutter blinds and only slightly moving them to the side to peek outside.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Get back inside before anyone sees you!"

Kagome? That was definitely her voice, but who was that just now that she pushed into the shrine building? I swear I saw a flash of white hair...? And the door to the shrine was shut close.

"Huh...and they left the cat outside."

I moved away from the window and made myself over to the door until I headed for the houses main door, heading outside. I saw the cat turned its head and look me in the eye before simply standing up and walking off. Well, I knew the cat would take care of itself, but where was Kagome? And that guy?

I made my way over to the doors of the shrine. Maybe I shouldn't just bust in... so I decided to lean my ear into the door and listened, but there was nothing. Just silence.
Well...and then I opened the doors and there was no one, and not another exit.

"What? Where are they?"

I scanned the room at least three times and confirmed that there were no other exits. Did they got out while I made the trip from my room to here? Impossible, it was too quickly. I would've seen them, right?

I noticed that the only thing of importance in the room was that well in the middle. I stepped down the wooden stairs and made my way towards it, noticing the claw marks at the edges of the wooden rails.


Then I decided to lean in and look down but was only met by an empty blackness, not a bottom. I squinted my eyes to try and see if I could make out of any bottom, but I couldn't. Then, I felt a light breeze blow on my face, intensifying by the second until I was practically blown away, whirled, and sucked into the well. Everything happened so fast I didn't even have time for my fear to settle in before I was tossed back outside and thrown into a grassy field.

With a groan, I shifted on the itchy grass and lift myself to sit and look over my surroundings.

"A forest? Where am I...?"

And that's when I knew that I wasn't where I was supposed to be.

To be continued...

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