A New Adventure

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Hikari stared at her hand, where the bright white light had been just moments ago before vanishing.

Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku turned to look towards Hikari in disbelief.

"I haven't seen that kind of power in my travels before..." Miroku muttered, glancing over at Sango only briefly before meeting Inuyasha's eyes only momentarily. It seemed that they both had the same thought in mind.

Is she a demon?

But it wasn't possible. She claimed to have come from Kagome's world, and Kagome had proved knowledge of Hikari, so it was impossible to be a demon. How could she have powers...? Perhaps it was the same way Kagome had powers? But she had the jewel within her body...it was all still a mystery.

Kaede, noticing the fear in Hikari's face, placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a firm pat. "Well done." She simply spoke, turning to look over at Inuyasha and Kagome. "It seems that bringing her along with you in your journeys will be quite helpful, don't you think, Kagome?" Kaede asked.

Kagome stood quiet for a couple of seconds before slowly nodding. "Yes...of course. But, right now I think we are a little bit more concerned as to why she has this kind of power."

"Why did the sacred jewel was within your body when you first arrived? We don't know...we do not need an answer for everything, just to believe in the person." Kaede advices, turning to look at the little fox demon that still clutched to Hikari's shoulder. "Are you alright, Shippo?" Kaede asked, glancing over.

Shippo slowly nodded before taking in a large chunk of saliva down his throat. "Y-yes. I'm alright..." he admitted a little bit hesitantly.

Hikari noticed his apprehension and turned to look ag him briefly. "I'm sorry, Shippo. I didn't mean to scare you, I had no idea..." she whispered softly, genuine about her unawareness of her powers. They seemed to have been dormant.

Inuyasha let's out a heavy huff along with a small growl. "Great...just great." He then sighs and brings tetsaiga into its sheath. "Well, there's no more demons, so let's head back inside and rest. We'll leave at first light tomorrow." Inuyasha decided. It seemed like a good plan as any. He began to walk back towards Kaede's hut, Kagome and the others did eventually follow afterwards.

Hikari took in a deep breath, looking down at her hands momentarily. "What is this...?" She muttered to herself.

"Hikari!" Kaede called from within the cozy hut, grabbing the attention of the distracted girl.

"Yes! Yes! I'm coming!" She called out, dusted her hands against her Kimono before heading back inside into the hut.

The ambient felt a little bit different, everyone seemed just a little bit on edge with this new power revelation from Hikari. But at least they were glad it seemed to have been some kind of protective barrier that she had cast. Not only that, Inuyasha and Miroku could not sense any demonic aura within or around her, so the light seemed to be pure. Like the powers of a priestess.

Eventually, the group decided to continue their rest for the night, laying back down on their spots and soon finding their sleep.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Kaede...?" Hikari softly asked, a leather satchel was being adjusted to a comfortable length on her chest by the elderly woman who stood infront of her.

"You will be alright, young one. Go, venture forth with your new friends and help them in their own journey as well as your own." Kaede placed both of her hands on Hikari's shoulders, giving them a firm grip before they released them. "Now, go. But do make sure to come back once in awhile." Kaede said with a smile, taking a step back.

Hikari returned the kind smile, holding the satchel lace close to her chest. She nodded firmly towards Kaede. "Thank you, for everything." With that said, the girl took steps back before turning around, walked down the dirt road and met up with the group that she would be traveling with from now on.

Kagome smiled, holding the pink bicycle at her sides while facing Hikari. "I'm glad you're able to join us, Hikari. We could use all the help we can get in finding the jewel shards." She nodded with affirmation and kindness.

"Kaede mentioned something about that, hopefully it is true what you say and I'll be of use and help instead of not." Hikari spoke truthfully, beginning to walk side by side with Kagome while Sango and Miroku stood behind following and Inuyasha lead the group forward.

"We should head west, continue where we left off." Inuyasha suggested, he threw his arms into the air before folding them behind his head and led out a rather long and heavy yawn. "It's better than any other lead at the moment." He added.

The group seemed to agree and followed along with his lead. They followed the dirt road of the village until it led them to the forest's entrance. Hours upon hours were spent walking. To combat boredom, Kagome and Shippo often played simple charades in their travels.
Miroku and Sango also enjoyed to join in and play as well, Inuyasha? Well...not so much. "All that's around us is trees, bushes and grass! How the hell do you guys even have fun playing this kind of game?!" Inuyasha called out bluntly, already rather annoyed by the pointless game of back and forth.

Within the last hour of walking, the group had entered a clearing full of tall grass that reached their knees. The breeze blew heavily, making the grass sweep and slap at their legs.

Inuyasha halted their movements abruptly. "Wait." He warned, sniffing the air a couple of times before his eyes instantly narrowed, turning his head to the side before his body followed. "Sesshomaru." Inuyasha said with a growl. "Huh?" Kagome stepped up and looked over. "Sesshomaru? Here?"

Evidently, a fair distance away a white figure could be seen approaching them. White hair flowed sideways along with the wind, the white kimono with red details swiftly flowed as well.

The group instantly seemed to get tensed up. They all turned to face the figure now revealed to be this man named Sesshomaru.

Hikari stepped behind the group, but also turned to look over in the same direction that they did, noticing the figure that continued to approach them, until stopping a fair distance away. "Who's he...?" Hikari asked in a lower tone towards Kagome.

"Inuyasha's older brother...Sesshomaru." Kagome replied, holding her bike tightly next to her side. Whenever the group encountered, Sesshomaru, it was never a good outcome.

"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru spoke up, he glanced over at the group, laying his eyes in each one of them before they fell onto those blue orbs from Hikari. "That woman, hand her over." Sesshomaru spoke, it wasn't even a request nor a request for an introduction or anything of the sort, it was merely a command.

Hikari gave a flinch when those yellow golden slit orbs met her own. She took a step back startled before looking at the whole group for a mere second before turning her gaze to Sesshomaru again.

"What the hell's your problem, Sesshomaru!? I ain't giving you nothing! So get outta my way!" Inuyasha growled, placing a hand on Tetsaiga and brought the sword out, watching it transform as it was released of its sheath.

"This doesn't concern you, half - breed. Get out of my way or perish." Sesshomaru had one of the most coldest stare that Hikari had ever seen. His eyes send thundering shivers down her spine and his voice made the hairs on her skin stick up. Almost everything he did seemed to have an effect on Hikari, and not necessarily in a good way.

To be continued...

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