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"Lord Sesshomaru! Lord Sesshomaru!" A little high pitched voice with a little bit of hoarse sounds called out through the woods. "Oh! Where could have my Lord run off to?" The voice came from a little imp, or goblin demon to be precise. He was dressed in very small clothing that fitted an infant and carried a rather way too tall staff with two heads. Behind him was a large dragon looking demon with two heads, wearing a muzzle. In front, holding the demon steeds reigns was a little girl with an orange and yellow checkerboard kimono. "Perhaps he went to pick some berries?"

At that little comment, the imp turned around and glared at the girl. "Don't be such a fool, little girl! My Lord Sesshomaru would never pick be seen or thought of to even pick berries!" He argued. The girl stared plainly at him and simply gave a soft shrug. "Anyone can pick berries." She stated back.

"Yes! But not my Lord Sesshomaru!" The imp argued back before stopping. "Oh? Do you sense that, Rin? Those pulses?"

"I don't sense anything, master Jaken." The little girl walked up behind him, trying to see what he saw

The newly named Jaken narrowed his eyes, turning slowly to look at the little girl. "Well, of course! You wouldn't be able to sense anything other than hunger!" Jaken said angrily before sighing deeply. "Lord Sesshomaru!" He called out once more. The three continued to walk, following the pulses until they eventually arrived to the small creek.

"Lord Sesshoma—MY LORD!" Jaken's eyes widened entirely at rhe spectacle he was witnessing. His Lord, allowing a human woman to touch the Tenseiga, and beating?

At the sudden burst of voices, Hikari gasped, startled and let go of the sword, stumbling back. The pulses immediately stopped. Sesshomaru made an uncomfortable small noise and placed the Tenseiga against his chest, as if he was recalling what his own heart sounded like, but his was so much quieter and calm, he could barely hear it. He brought his hand back down and placed his sword back on its belt.

He turned to look at the woman briefly before turning to look at Jaken and Rin.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin greeted happily, then glanced over at Hikari. "Oh! Did you make a new friend?" She asked, but was not given a reply. Instead, Sesshomaru decided to move past them. "Let's too, woman." He called for Hikari.

"What?" She suddenly asked, staring at the back of his head. He didn't stop moving for her and kept walking. Jaken looked back between his Lord Sesshomaru and the woman in disbelief. "We are taking this woman with us?" Jaken asked, looking up towards his Lord.

"I can't go with you." Hikari spoke up, turning to look around her for a brief second before looking back to Sesshomaru. "I have to return to Kagome, and Inuyasha and the others."

At that, Sesshomaru took a brief pause of his walking, glanced over his shoulder to look at her. His eyes were narrowed and he had his brows almost furrowed in displeasure. "No." He simply answered and resumed his movements. "Now, Keep up...or risk being left behind." With his calm demeanor yet stupidly cold, he answered her.

Jaken turned to look over at Hikari and gave a firm nod. "You best heed my Lord's advice." He spoke and turned to look to the girl. "Come, Rin!" He told her boldly and continued along to follow their Lord.

'Lord Sesshomaru...? Why do they call him that? Is he some kind of royalty among the demons...?'  Hikari thought to herself. She took in a deep breath, and her legs decided to move in Sesshomaru's direction, deciding to follow this demon Lord.


"Hikari! Hikari!" Both Miroku and Sango called out from above the intense canopy of trees, to no avail. "It's going to be sundown soon,we can't search in the night." Miroku advised, looking past Sango's shoulder.

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