A New Home...?

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My name is Hikari Takahashi and I'm currently fighting for my life.

"This thing is HUGE!" Hikari yelled out.
Rays of sunshine illuminated the land, large droplets of water flew across the sky and the sound of rushing and splashing water overflowed the sounds of nature.
There, in the river by the village, the girl found herself fighting what it seemed to be a large catfish, easily weighing more than 30 pounds.

The wet and sloppy skin of the fish made it almost impossible to have a good grip on it, so it constantly kept falling off her arms. Good thing the river was a little bit lower than it's normal flow of water, otherwise that fish would've been gone off elsewhere.

The commotion attracted a lot of onlookers, working men and women who came to look at the spectacle that was being created in the middle of the river.

"You're not escaping me you damn fish! You're mine!" Hikari yelled out, diving her hands into the water and grabbing at the catfish's giant tail, pulling it closer to the rocky bank of the river. "Dammit...!" She cursed under her breath as the weight of the fighting catfish and the currents of the river fought against her. She wasn't exactly big and buff, but wasn't neither small and frail. This was a challenge indeed, one that she decided to take head on...or well, that was the catfish's decision to bump into her.

With every last bit of her strength, she whirled the catfish's body over her arms and tossed it into the grassy area just above the bank. "Yeah!" She yelled out after successfully tossing the fish. It flopped and tussled around farther from the bank, making it easier to dry out.

Hikari panted, she climbed out of the river bank and allowed the air to finish its job on the fish. Once the fish had decided to stop squirming and flopping around, some men decided to come in and help the girl.

"Oh really? So now you come and help, couldn't you have done that minutes ago when I was fighting for my life!?" Hikari huffed before suddenly shaking her head. "Never mind...just take the damn fish and cook it up or something..." she grumbled, letting out soft pants as she regained her breath.

"Impressive." Kaede's voice came up from behind her along with the sounds of hooves. "Yet still like a child."

"Huh?" Hikari turned around, spotting Kaede and two horses behind her being held by the reigns in her hand. "Hey, I'm trying my best here, I wasn't really taught on how to fish." Hikari grumbled, glancing at the horses. "Heading out?" She asked.

Kaede nodded, "We are. I need medicinal herbs. It is some land away, but not too far." She explained, handing over one of the horses' reigns to Hikari in which she hesitantly took.

"Right..." She muttered, glancing up at the horse. Was it a good time to say now that she had never ridden a horse?

Due to her expression, Kaede couldn't help but give a quiet chuckle. A villager came to quickly assist the older woman on the horse, helping Hikari afterwards. "Ye will learn our ways in due time." Kaede assured.

"You say that...but I don't think you can teach me everything you know in mere hours or days!" Hikari called out. Kaede's horse began to move and instantly so did Hikari's sending her into a flinching mess who held onto the reigns tightly. "Hey- wait!" She gulped, hard, holding on to for her dear life.

The two women moved along the dirt road that led towards the western side of the lush forest. It was quiet and calm, the sounds of nature began to fill her ears again. It was in moments like this when she did not miss her world at all. No sounds of cars, no smell of smoke or sense of rushing anywhere...everything was so calm here...when supposed demons weren't attacking and all that, of course.

"So...where are we going?" Hikari couldn't help the ask and wanted to break the silence, even for a little bit.

"Sacred Grove." Kaede simply replied, her horse continuing to move on its own course. "It's a spot where throughout the years we have planted a variety of herbs to help out village." She explained. "Where the soil it's most fertile."

"And you needed me for...?" Hikari asked, glancing around herself. She looked up at the luscious trees and bushes that surrounded them. Everything was so vivid within nature, it felt refreshing.

"Company of course." Kaede chuckled softly.

If it that was only the case...
The two were seen soon returning back to the village. Only that Hikari's horse had two large baskets on each side of its rear, filled to the top with herbs. Along with that, she carried a woven basket on her lap, holding it in-front of her while she held the reigns of the horse with her free hand.  "When you said company..." Hikari began, letting out an exasperated breath.

"It was for you to help me, of course." Kaede simply replied, she turned to look over her shoulder briefly, a smile appearing on her face.

"You're cruel, Kaede..." Hikari gave a soft whine underneath her tone of voice as she kept adjusting the woven basket in her lap so it wouldn't fall.

Certainly, today had been riddled with different tasks throughout the day. Kaede seemed to be showing Hikari just how much the villagers had to do to survive. Their everyday constant and nonstop work.
Hikari at least seemed to be learning little by little...

She still hoped that Kagome would return sometime soon. She had a lot of unanswered questions and wasn't ready to head back to her own world just yet. After all, there were still so many things yet to see, to do and explore. The curious side of Hikari had begun to experiment with different things within the village, helping out the villagers in their day to day jobs as well as interacting with them and learning about their culture and lives, as well as the major problem that this land currently had. The demons and the sacred jewel dilema.


Somewhere decently far away...

Long, flowing pure white hair was swept by the night breeze. On top of a grassy field, the white color seemed  to overflow. A long and flowing white kimono with red accents here and there along with a large and long fur pelt flowed in the night breeze. Up in the sky, the moon was bright and full, it's brilliant light shinning upon the dark land.

The figure that seemed to be on top of the grassy hill overlooked the cold and dark land. On its left side, two swords. One with a sheath and one without. The sword within its sheath seemed to shake slightly, captivating its wielders attention.

"Hm...?" A rather deep hum emerged. Glowing yellow wolf-like eyes looked down towards the sword. "You sense that power too...Tenseiga...?" The sword only seemed to reply with its continuos shaking. An affirmative answer.

To be continued...

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