Feelings Arise

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'It's been three days...'

It had been three days since Kagura had abducted both Hikari and Rin that ended up with Sesshomaru destroying the mountain they had been contained in.
The full blooded dog demon had brought them over to an abandoned shrine temple in which served them for shelter of a passing storm.

Rin had done her best to care for Hikari, keeping her spirits and hopes high, even tho she had still not woken up from her unconscious state. Hikari's wounds were healing, very slowly but at least they were on the right path. Jaken didn't like to admit that he seemed to enjoy to help Rin while they both cared for Hikari.

Sesshomaru spent half the time with them inside the shrine and the other half he spent it outside the shrine, out and about to keep their current location safe from any demons and possibly Naraku.

That night, Rin and Jaken calmly ate by the fire whilst Sesshomaru remained in his claimed spot, his eyes closed as he seemed to be resting.

"Mmn..." Hikari softly moaned, squinting her closed eyes before softly opening them up. "My head..." she breathed out, her voice hoarse and dry.

Sesshomaru opened his eyes and lifted his head at the sound of her voice. "Rin." He called for the girl who hummed in reply then turned around and noticed Hikari waking up. Her eyes widened and she gasped, surprised. "Hikari!" She quickly pushed herself from the ground and ran over to her side, she picked up a small bowl that was next to her body and brought it up to her lips. "Here, water." Rin held the bowl against her lips, helping her drink the fresh water.

Hikari looked up at Rin and smiled weakly, "Thank you, Rin..." Hikari said hoarsely, accepting the water gracefully. She lifted her hand slightly, signaling Rin that she had enough. The little girl settled the bowl down and scooted close to her. "How are you feeling?" Rin asked.

"Better...that's for sure..." Hikari softly spoke, gathering her strength to sit up on the cot she had been laid in, she glanced around her surroundings before her eyes laid over on Sesshomaru. Their eyes met and stared at each other briefly.

"Hm." He only hummed in response, remaining seated in his spot.

"Lord Sesshomaru saved us, back at the cave." Rin quickly spoke, causing Hikari to look back at Rin only momentarily then turn back to Sesshomaru. "Then I should be grateful, thank you." Hikari spoke gently and nodded her head in his direction. She began to slowly move, softly wincing in pain, but eager to get up and moving again. "How long have I been laying like this? My body aches all over..." Hikari asked, glancing at both Jaken and Rin.

Jaken walked up to her, looking up. "Well, it's been three days. You've been resting quite a lot, miss." Jaken said with a few casual nods, hiding his little arms within the sleeves of his robes.

Hikari's eyes widened, "Three days!?" That instantly brought her an unexpected surge of energy. She pushed herself to stand, wincing at the shock of pain in her thigh as she stood.

Rin gasped and quickly stood, holding onto her arm to keep her standing. "Take it easy! You've only just awoken! You can't rush to do things now!" Rin argued, looking up at Hikari worryingly.

Sesshomaru rose his head, eyeing the two girls. He decided to push himself to stand and walk towards the two. "I will take you back." He suddenly said, catching the attention of the three companions. "Huh?" They all said in unison.

Sesshomaru moved past them, heading for the entrance of the shrine. He stopped at the entrance and turned to look over at Hikari, "Rin, Jaken, stay here, I will return soon, woman, move." He ordered, turning around and walking down the steps of the shrine.

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