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"I've told you once, Inuyasha, I will say it twice but not a third..." Sesshomaru's voice seemed to have gotten deeper, but it still remained its cool and calm. "Get out of my way..." he commanded, his right hand moving to grab the sword with the red strands on its handle.

"And I told you already! I ain't doing Jack-shit for you!" Inuyasha said with a growl, holding Tetsaiga forward, ready to strike at his older brother.

"Then die." Sesshomaru declared and leapt forward in an incredibly boost of movement, within a mere second, he had pulled his sword out and clashed it with Tetsaiga. The mere clash of blades was incredibly powerful that it has sent the humans around Inuyasha into their backs against the grass.

"Ungh!" They all grunted in pain and reaction to the impact. Sango and Miroku were quick to their feet, they helped Kagome and Shippo up.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called out after, sitting up then being helped to stand.

Inuyasha only briefly glanced behind him over at the group. "Kagom—"

"Don't get distracted." Sesshomaru said right in-front of his face. Due to his distraction, he had lost some strength against the sword and Sesshomaru was able to push him back then kick at his stomach, sending the halfbreed flying away. His tactics were rather...odd. For someone who wanted to kill Inuyasha, kicking was not exactly a killing method, more like to get him out of his way like he had previously warned.

Hikari managed to sit up on the grass, "Uhn..." she winced, holding her head. She only briefly saw the red color being struck away and now the male in white turn to face her. She seemed to have gotten separated from the group after the blast of the swords.

Sesshomaru glanced at the group, scanning their faces before he heard the wince from the girl. His head turned and he made eye contact with her. His body shifted and he began to approach her at a steady pace. "Woman." He called out.

Hikari gasped, wide eyed. She began to fumble against the grass and kick at it as she tried to regain her footing. Only one wrong step— "Ah!" She winced as she had taken a step then clutched down, glancing at her leg. 'Are you kidding me!? A sprained ankle!? Right now!?' She cursed in her thoughts, she shifted her weight on her other leg and dragged her injured one.

"Your attempt at escape is futile." Sesshomaru called out to her.

"Hiraikotsu!" Sango yelled out, a wave of air came swooping behind them and the wooden weapon that Sango carried came right at them both.

"Tch." Sesshomaru turned to look behind him at the incoming weapon, with a swift move of his arm he knocked it off its course and sent it flying towards the trees. "Do not interfere, humans." He called out, eyes narrowed. During this time, Hikari was making a speed-walking made for it, heading towards the nearest patch of overgrown trees so she could hide and buy time for herself. It seemed that the demon wanted her instead of the others.

"Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha yelled out and took a leap from where he had crashed earlier, going straight for the taller demon.

Sesshomaru was too fast. He decided to sheath his blade and move to the side, avoiding Tetsaiga by hair strands. He shoved his hand forward and grabbed Inuyasha by the neck, lifting him up into the air.

"Ack!" Inuyasha choked, still having a grip on his own sword. "L-let go...!" He snarled, his free hand gripping at his brothers wrist.

Sesshomaru's eyes rolled to the side, he saw the flash of blonde hair barely disappearing into the woods. "Hm..." he breathed deeply before returning his gaze towards Inuyasha. With a swift move, he shoved Inuyasha into the ground with great strength.

Inuyasha winced in pain, but couldn't really do anything to prevent that.

"Stay down." Sesshomaru ordered, releasing his hand from Inuyasha's neck and stepping away, following the woman into the woods.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome called out and ran over to his body. The group quickly followed and surrounded Inuyasha, kneeling down to help him sit up on the grass. Tetsaiga had fallen from his hand and had returned to its more discreet form.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome held him and shook off the dirt from his face. "Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"I'm fine!" Inuyasha barked angrily, grunting in pain. He looked around, searching for Sesshomaru but not finding him. "Where is he!? That bastard...!" He snarled.

"Enough, Inuyasha. Calm down." Sango knelt by his side, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We're missing Hikari, he went after her." She informed.

Miroku stood up, glancing around. "Dammit...where did they go?" He asked. The impact of the shove had created a dust could, preventing the group from seeing where Hikari had gone off to. "We need to search for her, I'll go with Kilala. You three stay here in case she perhaps comes back."

"I'll go with you." Sango stood up, walking to Miroku's side. "Okay." He simply replied, they both turned to Kilala who transformed into a larger size of herself. The two got on top of the feline demon. She took a leap forward and was sent into the air, hovering above the woods.


Hikari panted, wincing in pain occasionally as she continued to jog through the woods, trying to make a hefty distance from the demon that pursued her. She couldn't understand it, why in the hell was she being pursued by such demon!?

She looked behind her for only a split second and saw a flash of white following quickly. He was...dashing? From tree to tree at incredibly speed! At this point, he would catch her!

"Dammit!" Hikari turned off to the side, trying to cut some distance. She went into some bushes, almost tripped against a bunch of roots until it eventually brought her into a very thin creek with streaming water. She stopped for a moment and glanced left and right then behind her. Nothing...
"I think I lost him..." Hikari muttered to herself before she turned to look forward again—and there he was.

Hikari widened her eyes instantly "Ah!" She yelped, and stumbled back, falling past the creek. "Ugh!" She winced in pain, glancing up over at Sesshomaru. "Stay back!" She warned.

Sesshomaru stood at the other side of the small creek but made slow long steps to cross over and stood before the woman who laid at his feet. At Sesshomaru's side, Tenseiga began to pulse steadily. Sesshomaru glanced down at his sword, watching it pulse. He placed his hand on it and brought it out, moving it downwards. "Get up." He ordered.

"What the hell do you want?" Hikari asked, her eyes narrowed as she glanced up at the tall white demon. She already knew to follow Sesshomaru's orders or she could end up like a squeezed bug. She winced and pushed herself up, reaching his chest at highest, so she decided to raise her head to meet his eyes.

Sesshomaru held Tenseiga, it continued to pulse in almost different rhythms but strong ones each one. He held it out for her. "Grab the sword." Sesshomaru ordered, causing Hikari to stare at him rather weirdly before glancing over at the pulsing sword. She lifted her hand out and slowly reached out for the sword then instantly wrapped her hand around the hilt of the sword, just right above Sesshomaru's hand.

A wave of energy was sent throughout the forest from their feet.

Sesshomaru's eyes flinched, slightly widening. The sword pulsed, hard. His ears filled with the sound of heartbeats but not just any heartbeats—it was hers.

Hikari widened her eyes at the sudden burst of energy, then felt her own heart beat intensely from within the own sword. "W-what...what's happening...?" She breathed out, scared of whatever was happening with the sword.

Sesshomaru could feel it. He could feel her heart as if it was his own and in his own ears. Steady, hard pulses rang through his body. 'What is this...?' He asked himself, 'Why am I hearing this?' His eyes glanced over to Hikari's, meeting the blue orbs. 'Who is she?'

To be continued...

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