Introductions & Revelations

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It's been around 4 days since I fell through the well back at the Higurashi Shrine and came out into this world. Japan's feudal era! An era of war and in which demons terrorized the land.
I'm slowly starting to learn more and more of how people lived through these times, but at the same time I'm wondering if anyone is missing me back home? Or maybe this is all a very long and deep dream that I can't seem to wake up from...

The harsh rays of the sun illuminated the land. The ball of light hovered in the middle of the sky, signaling that it was the high noon of the day. The heat seemed almost unbearable today as well.

Hikari was out in the stables, getting a little bit more acquainted with the horses. A little bit of treats over here and a little bit of brushing over there and a lot of petting was done throughout her time with the horses.

Just outside the stables, a villager shouted out. "Lady Kaede! They've returned!" He called out, instantly grabbing the attention of Hikari who looked up to the villager to see what he meant. "Returned?" She muttered to herself, allowing to settle the horse brush down as she made her way out of the stables.

"Who's returned?" She asked the villager, glancing at him only momentarily before following his gaze and looking in his direction.

Hikari's eyes widened and her heart fell to her stomach. "Kagome!" Finally, a familiar face.
She sprinted towards them through the dirt path they were on.

"Huh?" Kagome raised her head, glancing over in the same direction Hikari was approaching. Her eyes furrowed slightly, confused as to who was the woman running towards them, but the blonde flowing her and the familiar tone of voice made her recognize instantly. Kagome's own heart sank to the bottom of her stomach and her face was now filled with dread. "H-Hikari!?" Shock filled Kagome's voice as the blonde girl stopped in front of her. "W-what are you doing here!? How did you get here!?" Kagome asked, panicked.

Hikari smiled up at her. Instead of taking a breath and answering her questions, she leaned in and embraced the raven haired girl. "I knew you were here somewhere..." Hikare whispered against her shoulder.

Kagome seemed taken back by the sudden hug but she did not waste time and quickly embraced her own arms around Hikari's body. "Hikari..." she whispered softly, but her voice seemed to eagerly fill with worry and guilt.

After a brief moment of embrace, Hikari took a step back and suddenly flinched, realizing the group of people that accompanied Kagome.

A rather tall silver haired man ears? And a very eye catching red kimono.

Another taller man with black and purple robes with a golden staff

A woman dressed in a simple kimono with a large wooden weaponry on her backside. A cream colored feline sitting at her shoulders with big red eyes staring back at Hikari.


A much, much smaller demon with a nice and fluffy short tail.

"My! What company you keep, Kagome!" Hikari chuckled nervously as she looked at them all. She bowed her head respectfully in greeting.

"Say...will you already tell us who this is, Kagome?" The silver haired male stepped up, looking towards Hikari with furrowed and suspicious looking eyebrows.

"Right! Right! Everyone, this is Hikari, she's a close friend from beyond the well, our home." Kagome quickly explained and turned to her friends. "Hikari, this is Sango...Miroku, Shippo, Kilala and lastly, Inuyasha." She quickly introduced them all and turned to look back towards Hikari. "Now that's settled...I can't help but to ask, how did you get here?" Kagome asked. However, before Hikari could even begin her own story on how the hell she got here, Kaede came to approach them.

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