A New World

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The scent of nature filled the air as very light gusts of wind blew upon the land. It was dark, only the natural light of the moon blessed its presence upon her. The long grass beneath and at her sides tickled at her fair skin.

"Mm..." she mumbled, slowly coming back to her consciousness. Her eyes slowly peeked open, closing briefly before opening once again, only to be greeted by the untouched moon and its beautiful light shinning upon her.

With her palms, she felt the grass underneath her and pushed herself up to sit. She looked around, wondering where could she be. Her head turns only to the wooden frame of the well that stood there next to her.

"How did I...came through there?" She questioned herself. A small pained grunt escaped her lips as she pushed herself off the grassy field. She took a couple of steps and placed her hands on the old wooden rails of the well, peeking her head overhead to glance at the empty dirt filled well beneath. "If there's nothing there...how in the world did I get here?" She asked, more confused than ever before.

Suddenly, a whiff of charcoal and smoke tickled at her nose, sneezing in reaction. She turned and glanced over in the distance the dim lights that came from a village. "Fire? A village? Maybe there's a phone there..." Hikari pushed herself off the well and began to make her way over to the village. The nature surrounding her was orchestrating a symphony for her ears, multiple insects chirping in their hiding spots and the hooting of the owls with their bright yellow eyes looming over her.

Arriving at the village, there were dim lights that came from within the wooden huts aligned along the field, she could see the smoke towers that were left behind by the fires within. Not all the huts had them, of course.

She decided to head to one of the huts with the smoke towers. There were no doors, only a rather large sheet that served as a door and the light that came from within. She took in a deep breath and built up the courage to slip her hand past the sheet and peel her head inside. "Um, excuse me?" She called out.

From within, an older couple resided. They were both sitting by the fire. In unison, they raised their heads and blinked a couple times as they stared at the girl. The woman's face instantly turned sour. "Demon?" She asked in disbelief.

The older man pushed himself to stand abruptly, reaching his arm out to the wall to grab a rusty and used soil hoe. "Begone with you, demon!" He explained, causing Hikari to stumble back out of the hut's entrance. "Demon? What demon— what are they talking about?!" She questioned, alarmed at the reactions of the couple. "I better move along..." she muttered to herself and quickened her pace, moving along the village's pathway.

"Hold on right there, demon!" The old man's voice from before called out. A torch in hand and the hoe on the other one. The old woman came out as well, a jar in her arms while one of her hands was inside said jar.

Hikari stopped in motion and turned around, facing the old couple. Instantly, what it appeared to be ashes mixed with some kind of liquid was thrown into her face and body.

"Hey-! Stop that!" Hikari instantly raised her hands infront of her face, shielding herself from the attack upon her. "Do I really look like a demon?!" She called out, peeking her eyes open to look over at the couple.

The commotion and the yelling seemed to have gathered the attention of some other villagers who stepped out of their homes to investigate what was happened outside.

Torches began to be lit up as more villagers had gathered and surrounded the odd-looking girl.

Hikari was able to remove the wet ashes from her face and eyes, finally being able to get a good look of the people surrounding her.

"The sacred ashes are not working! Tie her up! Get priestess Kaede!" One of the more older and mature male villager had ordered out, he himself was holding a torch as he approached the girl.

Two more villagers circled Hikari and snatched at her arms, forcing them behind her back and pushing her knees to the ground. "Hey! I said I'm not a demon—"

"Enough! Silence your squabble! Our priestess will determine what you are!" The villager holding the torch yelled out in-front of the girl, causing her to let out a brief silent growl under her breath. The treatment was rather unfair, she looked just like them, only difference was her hair color and eyes, everything else was normal! Why the hell did they think she was a demon?

It only hit her than maybe the villagers had been attacked previously by odd looking humans who have turned out to be demons? The enormous betrayal that could have been for them.

Just only a couple of minutes later, a much more older hunch back woman began to approach. A white and red kimono adorned her as well as full hairs of grays and whites. "And well? Who might ye be?" She asked, standing in-front of Hikari.

The blonde odd looking girl looked up at the priestess, her wrists tight bound behind her back. Two more men at her backside keeping some sort of watch over her. "My name is Hikari— HI-KA-RI! And your people seem to keep confusing me with a demon!" She argued, twitching and fidgeting with her bounds.

"Mm...ye remind me of Kagome the first time she came through here...the same treatment met her." Priestess Kaede spoke and glanced over at the men.

At that, Hikari's head snapped towards Kaede. "You mean— you know Kagome? The girl with the white and green clothing!?" She sounded relieved. Finally! Some sense!

"Kagome is the reincarnation of my late sister Kikyō." Kaede proceeded to explain. She glanced momentarily at the villagers behind Hikari who bent down and cut off the bounds that kept her in place.

"Finally..." Hikari rubbed her arms and wrists before pushing herself off the ground and dusting her clothing off from the ashes and ground dirt.

"Everyone! Ye be calm and return to ye homes! Everything is well!" Kaede called out. The villagers did seem to calm a lot quicker by her words. Little by little they did return back to their huts.

"Ye, come with me." Said the old woman as she began to walk away to one of the huts.

"Wait, how is it that you know Kagome?" Hikari quickly began to follow after the old woman, soon, invited into the woman's personal home.

"Ye came from the well, did ye not? The bone-eaters well." Kaede spoke, allowing herself to sit down by a slight dying fire within the hut.

"Bone-eaters well...? THAT well? The one close to the sacred tree?" Hikari asked, lowering herself to sit down by the fire. She simply earned a nod by Kaede. "The same well Kagome came through some time ago." Kaede briefly explained, she looked at the girl throughly, but did not sense any malice or perhaps any shards within her. "How did ye get here?" She asked.

"I...fell through the well...well— more like, something pulled me— a wind— or something, I'm not sure— everything happened so fast." Hikari tried to explain, but her words got caught in her tongue.

"I see...Kagome only briefly passed through here some minutes ago, but I'm afraid with Inuyasha's impatience she is already a far side north... ye must remain here, perhaps there is also a purpose to your arrival." Kaede explained, throwing a smaller log into the fire.

Hikari furrowed her brows at the sentence that came from Kaede. "Purpose...? I don't understand."

"Perhaps ye will, in due time." Kaede raised her eyes to meet with the girls blue orbs. "Lay down, rest. I'm sure this is all too much to handle for now, we will resume in the morning."

Hikari wasn't going to argue or discuss anything further. Fine, a good rest was perhaps what she needed...but there weren't any such commodities that she had back in the other world. "Right..." she muttered under her breath, laying down on the solid wooden floors, facing the fire. She closed her eyes, but found incredibly difficult to find any comforting sleep in the current conditions that she found herself in. However, exhaustion always knew how to do its work and force sleep upon someone, sending the girl into a troublesome sleep...

To be continued...

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