The Life That Awaits and The Past that Returns

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

The alarm clock on the wooden stand next to Hikari's bed relentlessly made its aggravating noise, waking the girl and the full blooded demon.

Two groans were heard from within the covers of the bed. Pure white hair was tossed all over the place on the pillows while blonde strands began to peek out from underneath the covers. Hikari let out a groan, reaching out and placing her hand on top of the clock, silencing it's infernal ringing. Her arm slipped down from the clock and dangled next to the bed. "I don't want to get up..." she mumbled to herself and fluttered her eyes open, looking up towards the clock. Her eyes instantly widened and a shock of imaginary electricity sent her bolting out of the bed, running out towards the bathroom all while screaming. "I'm late for school!"

The covers of the bed were pulled down a bit further, revealing Sesshomaru's annoyed expression. He glanced over at the clock before eyeing the open door to the bedroom. He lifted his hand and placed it on top of his forehead, pushing his hair back. Afterwards he was moving his hand down covering his mouth as he let out a soft yawn. He hadn't slept that well in a very long time. He saw how Hikari bolted into the bedroom once more and opened the closet, pulling out a white and green uniform as well as a red ribbon, some socks and shoes. "Get up, Sesshomaru! You have to head back now!" Hikari called out before snatching all the clothes she had brought out and headed back into the bathroom.

Sesshomaru gave an annoyed sigh, pushing the covers off his body as he moved to stand from the bed. His hair shifted against the sheets, following as he stood and falling past his back. He reached out for his black tunic and armor, beginning to put everything back on in its respective place. Once he was dressed, he made his way out of the bedroom, heading down towards the living room in which Hikari was seen quickly devouring a slice of bread. She quickly slipped on her shoes before turning to look at Sesshomaru. "Whatever you do, either head back or stay here—don't get seen by anyone!" Hikari warned, looking at the clock in the room. "Oh shoot! I'm so late! I'll be back in eight hours!" She called and bolted out of the door, running out of the Higurashi temple towards her school, leaving the full blooded dog demon behind.

Now, alone, Sesshomaru had time to explore for himself and investigate the things humans had. He could do all that, but that really didn't seem to interest him. What he found more captivating was that sacred tree. He was still rather impressed at how such a tree could still be alive. He wondered if there had been any other similar trees that survived across time.


Sitting at her student desk, Hikari laid her face flat against the wooden table before her, groaning and sighing heavily. 'I've been missing school so much ever since I fell through the well that I can't remember what we're supposed to be on...!' She rambled in her brain, internally suffering at the amount of schoolwork and studying that she needed to catch up on.

"Hey, Hikari!" It was one of Kagome's close friends, therefore, one of Hikari's acquaintances. The girl approached Hikari, causing her to lift her head from the table and look up at Kagome's friend. "You've been missing school a lot, and Kagome as well, is she sick as well? What about you? Did you caught whatever disease Kagome had this time?" The girl asked.

Hikari gave a soft chuckle and nodded. "Yes! We're both, unfortunately very, very sick!" Hikari fake coughed into her palm. "I'm still not feeling so great but I had to come to school, hopefully to catch up."

The girl nodded worryingly, she reached out into her bag and pulled out two notes. "Here, we figured both of you could use our notes. Oh! And remember, we have a huge exam within a week! You and Kagome study hard, alright? See ya!" She smiled and waved her hand, heading out of the classroom.

Wisteria | Sesshomaru x OC Fanfiction Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant