Unbeloved Son

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Her body ached all over, it felt like she was burning from within her core. There was an enormous pounding in her head that truly made her believe that her brain was trying to break out of her own skull. Her throat dry and itchy and all her extremities hurt from simple twitches and movements.

Her eyes were heavy, but she managed to slowly open them, greeted by a long and well kept ceiling.

Her sense of smell was slowly returning, able to smell burning incense. She turned her head towards the location of the smell and effectively saw the small and thin stick burning next to her head, not close enough to potentially harm her but she had knowledge that whatever person placed it there was trying to keep demons at bay.

She pushed the blankets that were draped over her body away, pushing herself to sit up. She noticed a bowl of water sitting next to her and went ahead, picked it up and desperately drank it. Only, it wasn't water. She dropped the bowl suddenly, this fell and broke apart as she suddenly broke into a fit of coughing and wheezing. "Who the HELL puts sake next to a sick person!?" She huffed and puffed, gathering her strength to push herself from the ground.

The intense burning feeling made her wince, but she was thirsty and in an unknown place, aware that she had to be careful. She slowly made her way over to the doors of the room. Before she could even place her hands on the door, it slide aside opening. At the other side stood none other than Sesshomaru— a female Sesshomaru...?

"Ah. I see you're awake." The female Sesshomaru look alike spoke. She didn't sound at all positive that Hikari had awoken. The demon woman entered the room, closing the door behind her, practically forcing Hikari to back away from her and the door alike.

"W-who are you?" Hikari asked, her voice dry and slightly raspy.

"Oh? Hasn't my dear son told you about me? His great and loving mother?" It felt insincere the way she spoke, as if she was slightly mocking her.

"Mother...?" Hikari muttered under her breath, slightly in disbelief for a moment but the resemblance was there. Hell, she thought the demon woman could be a sister, but a mother does make sense.

"Don't be fooled by my looks." The demon woman smiled deviously. "I am much...much older than I look." She stated, walking forth and circling Hikari, like a hunter playing with its prey.

"I'm surprised you survived such...and encounter with a puppet demon mirroring the great demon that essentially killed my husband...but, lucky for you..." The woman got closer, standing behind Hikari and leaning into her ear. "Sesshomaru brought you here in time..." she whispered, making Hikari's skin crawl. She felt incredibly uneasy.

"I...should...show my gratitude...for your hospitality..." Hikari spoke slowly, rambling in her pounding brain in search for proper words to address the mother of her demon companion.

"Oh?" The demon woman moved infront of Hikari. Her eyes briefly glanced to the side as she felt like she was sensing something...or someone. "Very well..." she reached to her clothing at her waist and lifted the silks up, exposing one of her bare clawed feet. "Kiss it." She declared.

Hikari watched her, and flinched when she said those words. "Excuse me...?"

"Kiss. It." She repeated her words, hostility in her voice, almost venom like.

Hikari looked at her in disbelief, but she wasn't about to argue with this woman. If she was indeed Sesshomaru's mother, then she must be stronger. Hell, just someone who could simply and plainly kill her just by looking at her the wrong way.

Hikari hesitantly knelt down down to her knees, approaching her head towards her feet. They looked clean, well kept, but just the mere act of doing something like this felt so humiliating and belittled. It was as if the woman wanted to make sure Hikari knew her place, that she was inferior. A mere bug at her feet.

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