Bittersweet at The End Of The Line

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"Huh? HEY! Why did you both return without any food!?" Jaken turned back towards the two of them, eyeing at Hikari, noticing how she frantically looked behind her a couple of times. "What's the matter?"
Jaken asked, glancing over at Rin.

Rin shrugged her shoulders. "But I brought some berries!" The little girl walked away from Hikari towards Jaken, handing some of the berries she had picked out for them.

Jaken let out a deep sigh, staring down at the berries before looking back up at Rin. "Berries...again?"

"Well...we were heading to a lake, but there seemed to be something there that Hikari didn't want me to see...which reminds me..." Rin turned around, looking up towards Hikari who was close to A-Un, stroking to demon steed's neck.

"Huh? doesn't really matter, it was just better than you didn't see it." Hikari turned her head to look over her shoulder, glancing towards Rin. She looked past the girl and noticed the flash of white coming from the woods, Sesshomaru. Her head quickly turned to look away, paying focus back to the demon steed. 'What the hell was that!? Did he and Kagura had something all this time?! Then why the hell did he kiss me?!"
She was scared to even look behind her and face Sesshomaru. Honestly, she didn't want to think about it, she just wanted to forget what she saw and move on. But could that even be possible?

"Hikari." Sesshomaru's voice was heard behind her.

Her body's instant reaction was to flinch and shiver. She did not want to think about it.
She did not want to talk about it.
She did not want to face him.
So she remained facing the steed, but her head slightly turned to the side, only enough so she could see his feet, but that was it.

"A word." He stated. It wasn't even a question, it was an order. He turned to the side and moved away, heading into the woods once more.

Hikari hesitated. Her feet did not want to move, her heart did not want to cede, but her brain told her to hear him out and decide what to do afterwards. She removed herself from A-Un's side, making her way towards Sesshomaru, following after him into the woods again.

Once they were in a secluded and quiet area, away from the earshot of Jaken and Rin, did only Sesshomaru stop, turning around to face Hikari.
"What you saw—"

"Was none of my business." Hikari bluntly interrupted him, turning to look away. She couldn't look at him in the eyes. It was...painful. "It does not concern me, you've said so yourself many times." Which was true. "For what it's worth, I didn't see anything." Hikari said with a forced shrug, turning her body to face away.

Sesshomaru stared at her. He took a step forward towards her, but Hikari replied with a step away from him, maintaining a distance.

"I should return home." She suddenly spoke, glancing towards Sesshomaru's chest, avoiding his eyes entirely. She was quick in turning around and heading away, not giving a chance for Sesshomaru to speak.

But the full demon was agile and had more than enough speed to practically move infront of Hikari within a split second, almost causing the girl to bump into him before frantically stopping and shifting to the side. "I haven't given you permission to leave." Sesshomaru told her, his eyes following her figure as she avoided him.

Hikari stopped and turned to look at him dead in the eye. "You don't own me." She stated, her eyes turning into glares. "Just as you don't owe me any explanations..." Hikari turned to look away, resuming her walk away from the great demon.

Sesshomaru stared towards her back as she walked away from him. This was the second time she had walked away from him when he had told her to basically not leave his side. Now he faced a silent crossroad...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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