Jaylen's POV
Ethan leans against the wall, his arm over my head and I hear the countdown coming from the other room. I smile saying "any last words?" He says "no regrets, I'm all in. Any last words?" I say "all in."

Ethan kisses me slowly and I have never felt this way before. I really hope he likes me because I already like him. He gently pulls away saying "do you need a ride home?" I say "my friend dragged me here and he's probably getting it on with some basketball player from another school. So, yes please." He says "walk with me?" Ethan offers me his hand and I say "as much as I'd love to, all the girls will eat me alive because they practically worship you."

I peck his lips and he says "really? Do you worship me?" I say "nope. Those girls think you're a god. I know where I've heard your name from before now. Although, I see why they like you so much" and we walk to the area where pretty much everyone is. I say "I told you" nodding over to my friend, David. Ethan chuckles saying "he's funny but I don't know how he pulls." I say "me either."

We go out to his car and I say "are you coming home with me?" He says "not yet" winking at me and he drives us to my house. I say "I'll see you at school?" Ethan says "I'd like that" leaning over his center console to kiss me. I smile saying "happy new year" and he chuckles saying "happy new year" me going into my house. He drives out and I mumble "he's so pretty. What the hell is happening to me?"

I go inside and my dad says "where have you been?" I say "I went to a party. One of David's friends were hosting." He says "and who brought you home?" I say "a guy." My dad says "a guy?" I say "yeah, he's cute and I like him already." My dad says "you met him a few hours ago didn't you?" I say "yeah" and he says "don't go fantasizing." I say "I'm not fantasizing. He did kiss me earlier ya know." Dad says "I don't want to hear anymore." I say "well, nothing else happened." Dad says "go to bed" chuckling and yawning. I go and get ready for bed then I go to sleep.

The next day

I go to the kitchen after getting ready for the day. Family is coming over because it's New Years Day. My family is crazy and great but I don't get why we do this. My mom says "take the bread out of the oven" and I say "good morning to you too" as I take the bread out of the oven. I say "looks good, mom" as she is running around the kitchen making sure all the food is tended to. She says "keep stirring that" pointing at the stovetop. My dad comes in saying "what are you guys doing?"

I say "learning how to be a housewife, you?" He says "learning how to get rid of my kid ethically. I'm thinking of putting him back where he came from." My mom says "honey, it's a lot of money to go to Mars." I say "hey!" They chuckle and mom says "I invited a friend from work and her family since, surprise your dads family can't make it." My dads family is the family we have New Years with and we do Christmas with moms family. Well, we do Christmas with both families but it's a bigger deal with moms side.

I say "is there going to be anyone my age?" She says "I think she has a son." I say "great" rolling my eyes. She says "it'll be fine." I say "why can't they make it?" Mom says "your uncle and his girlfriend are fighting and I don't want that in my house." I say "I understand" nodding and mom cooks for a little while, bossing me around to help her. Then I hear a knock on the door saying "not it."

My dad says "go get it, nerd." I say "ok, you need to calm down." I go to the door and I open it saying "good" checking my watch "morning. Come on in" smiling and this woman and her husband come in. Then, of course, I see Ethan. I say "hey, stranger" and he says "do I know you?" My mom says "boy, I still need your help" and I say "come on." His mom says "boy, you sit down. I'll help."

I say "this boy has a name ya know." My dad says "we'll send you back to Mars. Shush." Ethan chuckles and sits on the couch. He quietly says "come here" and I sit down. I mumble "funny how this worked out." He says "yeah" and I mumble "I should've just taken you home with me." He puts his arm over the back of the couch behind me saying "maybe" looking at me. Ethan says "what will there be for food?"

I say "it'll be whatever moms making. It'll be good though unless you're picky. By the looks of it, you aren't" looking him up and down. He says "are you calling me fat, right now?" I say "listen, sweetie. I'm saying you probably work the Arnold split six days a week." Ethan says "damn right I do." He chuckles when he looks at me and says "I'm just messing with you." I smile saying "I know" and Ethan mumbles "can I kiss you?"

I say "if you're comfortable doing so" quietly and he slowly kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck mumbling "want to go to my room with me?" He bites his lip saying "maybe after dinner" kissing me. I mumble "you're cute" him looking over at me. He rubs my shoulder and I say "come explore with me." I stand up and he says "you already live here, what is there to explore?" I say "sweetie, I meant let's go socialize."

Ethan says "I figured" and we go to the kitchen. My mom says "does this mean it's mom son swap time?" I say "we don't know what you're doing." She says "come over here and stir this occasionally. I'm getting the wine out." I say "why did we come over here?" Ethan says "sweetie, I think it's to socialize." I chuckle saying "shut up" and he leans on the counter next to me, crossing his arms. I grab a spoon and I dip it into a liquid I'm stirring. I say "are you allergic to anything?" He says "no" and I hold the spoon out to him saying "try it." This boy makes full eye contact with me when he takes the liquid off the spoon. Really. What am I getting myself into?

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