Jaylen's POV
"Hey, work daddy, you look tired." Chuck chuckles saying "you're too funny. I talked to a source that confirmed you were right and I did an interview. I basically did all the work for you." I say "rude" and he says "I'll let you write the whole thing though." I say "woohoo! I brought coffee by the way" handing him a black coffee from Starbucks." He says "thanks, man" smiling and he says "come sit and look at this work. I might've missed something that you'd see that I don't."

I pull up a chair next to him and I look at his research and his rough outline of how he'd write this article. I say "well, don't we want opposing opinions as to why this should be put into law for some reason. Then disprove why it should be put into law?" Chuck says "yes. Disprove the opposing opinion is always something to get people on our side. On what grounds should we disprove that it should be?"

I say "well, LGBTQ parents have adopted kids before, so there's already a population of it. With this law being put into place, it would affect child health care because that's already been an issue but if this was approved it would just be more discrimination against kids than it was before. If that makes sense." Chuck says "it makes sense, that's a great idea. I'll share the document with you." I say "awesome" opening my laptop and I move to the other side of his desk and I start writing once I get the document.

I say "this looks good. When should I have it finished by?" Chuck says "by the end of the week at the latest." I say "I'll get it done by the end of the day, I don't have much homework. I should get it done by the end of the day." Chuck says "you will" and I say "I'll be back when I finish." Chuck says "alright" and I leave, going to this sort of living room area on our floor and I sit down.

I get writing and it gets to about noon and my phone rings. I answer it saying "hi, Michael." He says "Bella Caio" and I say "why are you calling?" He says "I'm checking on you, is it anything you ever dreamed of?" I chuckle saying "I guess so, I'm writing something interesting for an article. This guy took me under his wing and he's been working here forever, so this is exciting. I think they're gonna keep me."

Mikey says "of course they're gonna keep you. Who's the guy?" I say "his names Chuck and has earned the name Work Daddy." Mikey laughs saying "that's fucking funny. I'm glad you found a father" and I laugh saying "he's been here for like thirty years, so I'm learning from the best basically." Mikey says "is he like George Clooney hot though?" I say "a little bit, I promise, he deserves the title Work Daddy." Mikey chuckles saying "that's funny. Well, get back to work, I'll see you later." I say "bye, Michael" smiling and he says "love you" and I say "love you too."

We hang up and Jackson walks in and sits next to me, but not in my space. I say "what's up?" He says "so" and I say "honey, just ask what you want to ask." Jackson says "who's Michael?" I say "he's my friend" and he says "you seem really into him to be just friends." I say "shared trauma you could call it" and he says "I guess what I'm getting at is if you're single. Just to know if I'm going in the right direction." I say "you're going in the wrong direction, honey. I've had a boyfriend for almost three years now."

Jackson puts his arm over the back of the couch saying "why didn't you lead with that?" I say "do you want the truth or do you want the short answer?" Jackson says "I have time. I want both." I say "the short is cause I didn't want to. The truth is I don't talk about him very often is because he's been gone awhile. He's in the military and it's hard, so I decide to not bring it up unless I have to." He says "I'm sorry I pushed you to that."

I keep writing and I say "it's ok. It's good to think about him once in awhile" smiling. I say "he's so beautiful, ya know. He's just wonderful" looking over at Jackson. Jackson says "what's he like?" I say "he's just a hunky guy that's secure with himself. I've never seen him feel insecure wherever he is. I don't think I've ever planned date night because he always has it covered before I have a chance to say anything. He takes care of me and I live such an easy life when he's around." Jackson says "then I can't wait to meet him. He sounds like a great guy." I say "Mikey's his best friend, Ethan told us to look out for each other while he's gone."

Jackson says "do you know when he's coming home?" I say "in about six months at least. If not, it's going to be a year to eighteen months at most. This is his last one I think. I don't think he's gonna go back out again after this one. Six months into his first tour he came home and just cried to me for a long time. I'm not saying he's fragile, cause he's not, but mentally he couldn't make it through a third tour." Jackson says "based on what you've said, he'd stop if he could and if he needed to."

I say "he would, but I gotta get a little more established before he gets back. Make some money and I'm really close to getting a house outside of the city. Just for him to have something of his own to come home to. I know that sounds weird but it's what make sense." Jackson says "I get it. You don't him to feel the need to go live with his parents or anything like that." I say "that is exactly it" nodding.

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