Jaylen's POV
Eliza says "I'm not great at starting the conversation." I say "it makes them feel a little more open too if you initiate. You do not have to top or anything. If you initiate, it might make him feel more comfortable. If he avoids, just ask him if he's ok." Eliza says "you're a sex god." I chuckle saying "absolutely not. Take it slow, no harm in it. All you have to do." Eliza says "thanks. With Ethan going away, what are you going to do?"

I say "I'm gonna go to college for journalism and hopefully work for a famous paper of sorts." Eliza says "wait, where'd you get into?" I say "I got into several but I'm looking at NYU. If I go there, I can get right in with The New York Times. Like it's right there." Eliza says "I got in there too, I'm still deciding if I want to go to NYU or if I want to go more upstate or in the New England area." I say "what school is upstate that you got into?"

Eliza says "I got into the Rochester Institute of Tech but I also got into Cornell but then again, I got into NYU which would be so much better for me." I say "you got into an Ivy League and you are skipping out?!" He says "my values don't quite align. They've gotten rid of parties and social events because of alleged sexual assault and the school is like way more men than women. Thinking about Cornell makes me uncomfortable."

We chuckle and I say "maybe not the best idea then." The cute barista brings our drinks over saying "I'll see you again soon hopefully?" I say "maybe" smiling and he says "forgot to give you your change" giving me my twelve dollars back. I say "you didn't have to do that." He says "but I did" smiling and he walks back behind the counter to help some teen girls that are just a tad obnoxious like young teen girls are." I mumble "and that's how you get free drinks."

Eliza says "teach me your ways." I say "you'll learn" chuckling and then I say "all I can say is be nice to this boy for me. He's too cute to be sad and I know it's still new but he really likes you. I can tell. We're gonna be great friends but don't hurt my friend." Eliza says "I would never hurt him. That's all I can say to try to convince you really." I say "that's fair. They'll be coming in in a minute I'm sure. Their hour is almost up. I think they wandered off cause I can't see them anymore."

Eliza and I sip our drinks and they say "our boys are so pretty though." I say "so dreamy" smiling and shaking my head. The boys walk in with a couple bags in hand. They order drinks and are both smiling when they come over to us. They sit down and Ethan says "hey, sweetie" and Mikey says "hey, mamas." I chuckle when Eliza says "you have got to stop calling me that." Mikey says "I think it's great" us all trying not to laugh.

Ethan quietly says "how much were your drinks?" I say "free" and he quietly says "barista boy was easy, wasn't he?" I nod and he chuckles saying "so are you" and I say "that's how I got them for free." Ethan says "he's probably easier than you though. He was looking us over when we ordered drinks too" quietly. I say "he's kinda cute though" and Ethan chuckles saying "no getting ideas." I mumble "you're the only idea I have" and his hand rubs the back of my neck, squeezing gently.

Ethan says "so, are you guys getting along?" I say "no. In fact, I hate them." Mikey says "damn, again? I didn't hit it right again." Ethan mumbles "damn right, you haven't hit it yet." I laugh saying "it's new, leave the poor boy alone." Mikey says "what are you guys talking about?" I say "oh nothing" making Eliza chuckle. Ethan says "do you two have anywhere you want to be?" I say "let's take a walk" getting up and we leave. The boys are talking behind us and Eliza and I walk together.

I say "where do we want to go?" Eliza mumbles "so I have this thing." I hold their hand and I say "lay it on me." Eliza sighs saying "I lean toward the feminine side but I haven't really showed it with Mikey" quietly. He mumbles "I guess I'm worried I'll scared him off or overwhelm him." I say "ok, it's just like coming out" quietly. I then say "maybe if you just ease into it over time?" Eliza says "you might be right."

I mumble "what if we buy him a little something?" Eliza says "you are crazy and I love it" pulling me into Victoria Secret. The boys stop and just talk to each other while they wait. I mumble "I don't think I've ever been in here before." Eliza mumbles "you knew you were gay that early? Damn." I chuckle saying "I'm gay but not femme enough to be comfortable in here."

Eliza says "none of us are comfortable and that's why it's comfortable, ya know?" I say "I get it" quietly and Eliza says "so the trick with these 'a boy made me gay' types is you can't be too whorish to start with, it scares them off. On the other hand. you want something that'll make them take their pants off without you even touching them."

I say "your the crazy one here, not me" us just giggling. They say "that means, no crotch less and no backless. Crotch less is never a good idea anyway" quietly. I chuckle saying "it gets the job done quickly" and Eliza laughs saying "you got that right." He mumbles "this is difficult when buying for this man. I can't over do it but I gotta get the message across. Safe choices. He grabs a few things and says "I'm gonna make a man out of him." I say "damn right you will" us chuckling.

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