Jaylen's POV
We all pull into Ethan's driveway around the same time and we go inside. Ethan and Mikey are talking about whatever they talk about. Mikey says "yeah, I'm thinking about getting studded tires for my truck." Ethan says "what are you going to do when you go to school though? You can't drive the highway with those, that's illegal."

Mikey says "but they'd make my truck look so fine though." Ethan says "boyfriend tip number two, don't talk about vehicles like you would talk about your significant other while your significant other is around." I chuckle saying "you're so good at this." We go in and Ethan shuts the door then we go up to his room. I say "why isn't your bed made?" He says "that's all you. I don't sleep on that side." I say "you're supposed to make the whole bed" and he says "I know" chuckling.

I sit on Ethan's bed as he folds the sheets over and Eliza sits criss cross on the bed next to me. I hear a knock on the door and Ethan says "come in?" Jen comes in saying "y'all can hang out in the living room if you want, mom and dad aren't here. Oh! This is for you" handing me a notebook. She says "can you read this and maybe make some corrections? I need fresh eyes." I smile saying "sure" and she leaves the room.

I look at Ethan saying "pencil?" He hands me a pencil and I say "thanks, sweetie." I open the notebook and I say "I can't read this here." I shut it and Ethan says "what is it? Is she ok?" I say "don't worry about it, it's just not something I should read here. It seems private and she only asked me to read it, so that means just me." Ethan says "I got the day for when I ship out." Mikey says "when did you know?" Ethan says "two weeks ago. I haven't seen you in awhile."

Mikey says "so, when are you leaving?" I say "twelve days" quietly, leaning on Ethan's shoulder. Ethan mumbles "I need a haircut." Then he says "twelve days" and Mikey says "damn. I don't know what ima do without you, man." Ethan says "remind me to go get my haircut." I say "sweetie, I can cut it for you." He says "you sure?" I say "I cut my own hair. I'll cut yours." Ethan says "ok" smiling at me and he says "you and Mikey keep an eye on each other. Eliza, you keep these two in line. They're little demons if they don't go to bed by one in the morning."

Eliza says "a little melatonin never hurt anyone" and we all chuckle. I say "my graduation party is the day before his shipping out party. You're both invited to my party." Ethan smiles saying "meeting the family will be so much fun" sarcastically. I say "you're telling me, your army father thinks I'm into poetry!" Ethan chuckles saying "the poetry anthology. Good times" and Eliza says "ain't no way you write poetry."

I say "oh I don't. We snuck off to make out before our parents knew about us. We came back and they asked what we were doing so I told them, I needed someone to read my poetry anthology and tell me what they thought. Now his dad still thinks I am into poetry I guess." Mikey laughs saying "real smooth, hot shot. I'm gonna start using that on my mom." I say "my parents saw right through that one. His mom and dad seemed to buy it though. As soon as y'all left, my parents were like; poetry? Really?!"

Ethan chuckles saying "all my love to Stephanie." I smile, rolling my eyes, and Eliza says "my mom said 'oh no, not again' when I introduced Mikey to my mom." I chuckle saying "damn, what for?" Eliza says "she thought I brought another one of the experimentalists home again." Mikey says "I had to prove myself for a good while" chuckling. We hang out together in Ethan's room for awhile then we go downstairs. After a few hours, Mikey and Eliza go home. I say "so good meeting you!" Eliza says "you too!" We hug and I say "bye, Mikey" and he kisses my cheeks like the French, saying "see ya, babe" then they leave.

I say "want to bring me home and I can cut your hair at my house?" He nods at me with his pouty lips and sad eyes. I say "what's wrong, baby?" He hugs me saying "I'm gonna miss you" burying his head in the crook of my neck. I say "I'm gonna miss you too" quietly and I kiss his cheek. He mumbles "I love you" hugging me tighter. I mumble "I love you too, sweetie." We go to my house and we go to the upstairs bathroom. Mom walks by saying "hey, boys" smiling and I say "hey, mom" and Ethan says "hey, Steph."

She says "you look sad, what's wrong, hun?" Ethan says "I gotta get rid of things that I connect to my personality and this is the first step." I say "I think you're the poet here" and mom says "so what are you doing?" I say "I'm cutting his hair, so they don't just buzz it" as I run my fingers through his hair. Mom walks away saying "have fun" quietly. I pull out my clippers and all the guards saying "how long can we keep your gorgeous hair?" Ethan quietly says "the shortest it can be is a quarter inch according to the internet. Just close cut, neat, clean shaven on the face, and sideburns no lower than here." He points to to upper part of his ear and I say "hey."

He looks at me saying "hm?" I say "are you ok?" He says "yeah, I'm doing what I want to do but these little things that I have to do that feel like much bigger obstacles than they should be." I say "I think you'll like what I'm gonna do to your hair" quietly. I get a chair and a spray bottle then I come back saying "are you ready?" Ethan nods, looking at me through the mirror. I take a number eight to his entire head. I say "your hair is gorgeous." His hair, before I shaved it, was getting grown out just below his ears. He has a bit of a wave in it and it's dark brown.

I say "I'm gonna go shorter and even shorter around your ears and on your neck, ok?" He says "ok" and I take a quarter inch off of his whole head. Ethan says "my hair hasn't been this short since I had lice in second grade." I chuckle saying "you look really good. I'm liking the new look so far." I wet his hair with the spray bottle and I fade out the sides of his head. I smile and I grab scissors from under the sink.

I shorten the top a bit and I say "what do you think?" Ethan says "it looks good, babe" and I say "and you aren't just saying that?" He says "I'm serious" smiling and I take the guard off my clippers and I clean up his sideburns and his neck. I say "damn, shawty, he got the cut and he's looking fineee." Ethan chuckles saying "I miss my hair but damn, I look good." I say "do you want me to give you a shave?" Ethan smiles saying "I'll do that myself, you don't have to worry about that." I say "you look so fine though" chuckling but tears are coming it my eyes. He gets up and hugs me saying "what?" I say "I'll miss you, sweetie" hugging him tightly. He mumbles "I'll miss you too, sweetie" kissing me lightly.

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