Jaylen's POV
I wake up to the smell of food and the smell of the shower being recently used. I smile and I get up to shower and get ready for the day. I leave our room and go out to the kitchen to see Ethan. I smile saying "good morning, sweetie" and he says "good morning, babe." I say "you're such a dreamboat." Ethan smiles saying "I got breakfast" and I say "if we ever have kids that are girls you better get some damn good money cause you will be broke."

He says "that's ok with me. As long as you're with me, you'll get close to whatever you want" kissing me. I smile saying "I love you so much" and he says "I love you so much" pecking my lips. He grabs the bag of food he got and we go outside and eat breakfast. I say "so, what did you do this morning?" Ethan says "I picked Mikey up and we went golfing then we went to the gym. I picked up breakfast, I quickly showered, and now we're here."

I smile saying "you're cute." Ethan smiles saying "you ready to meet my family today?" I say "if I'm on your dads good side, I'm ok. He's scary, so if he likes me I have secret service level protection in your house." Ethan chuckles saying "there's probably a few things I should tell you. My dads dad is the same person as my dad. Almost carbon copies of each other. My cousins are all around my age too and you're cute, so be ready for that."

I say "I can handle that" smiling and Ethan says "other than that, I don't think you have anyone to worry about except Mikey maybe." I chuckle saying "if Mikey's going to be the worst person there this'll be a breeze." Ethan says "pretty much all the men in my family are military men but the most uptight ones are my father and my grandfather."

I say "I'll be fine, I'm cute, remember?" Ethan chuckles saying "you will be just fine then" and we finish eating. He gets up and takes our trash inside. I say "you don't give me time to help you with anything at all" and he giggles saying "I know. That's the point, baby." I say "you look so hot" and he says "my grandfather is like Ethan, you can't look like a bum. Welcome to hanging out with my family. It's polos" chuckling.

I giggle saying "sounds good to me. I am most definitely not complaining." He leans against the counter and I kiss him. He holds me close saying "I had something that I was gonna give you last night, do you want it now?" I smile saying "sure" and he goes to our room. He comes back saying "wow, I'm really nervous for some reason" and he stands in front of me. Ethan stares into my eyes saying "when I met you I knew there was something special between us. I knew we'd always be together in one form or another but this is my favorite form that I want to keep forever. This is a promise ring because I didn't feel like either of us are ready for the big one. This is me promising you that when I get back, I will have a ring for you" showing me the ring he got me.

I smile saying "I love you so much" kissing him as he puts the ring on my finger. He says "I love you too" hugging me tightly. I smile saying "what do you want to do before we go home?" Ethan says "come sit with me" and goes to sit on the couch. He puts his arm on the back of the couch and I sit down, curling under his arm. His hand goes to my chest and I look over at him saying "this ring is so pretty" as I look at it.

Ethan says "I saw it and I thought of you" kissing my forehead. I say "thank you so much" rubbing my thigh and I lean in slightly. Ethan says "I don't care if anyone else is here for me when I get back. As long as you're here for me, I'll be the happiest man alive." I say "I love you so much and I promise I will be here when you get back." He kisses me softly and I say "you're so good to me" as I straddle his thigh.

He pulls me closer and kisses me just taking his time. Ethan says "I really am in love with you." He kisses my neck and I say "god, you better not go doing it with any army boys while you're gone." He says "you're my favorite boy. Mines the hottest one anyway. No one's higher on my rank than you. You even rank higher than me on my own rank." I giggle saying "don't let the army hotties snatch you up."

Ethan chuckles saying "I love you too much. I'd never. Maybe I'll stare at their abs for a bit but other than that, nothing." I chuckle saying "glad you're honest cause I'd do the same thing" just laughing my ass off. He chuckles saying "we should get going soon" pulling me really close to him. My whole body pressed right to him and I kiss him deeply. I smile and he says "if we leave now, we can get Starbucks."

I say "I'm gonna marry you" getting up and we finish getting ready for the day. Then we finish packing up and he takes our bags to his car while I take the sheets off our bed. The AirBnB person instructed us to take sheets off the beds that we slept in, make sure to clean the fridge out, and put the trash in the dumpster.

I take the trash out so Ethan doesn't have to. He says "I was gonna get that" when I take the trash out. I say "I got it" throwing the trash in the dumpster and I go over to him saying "I'm ready to go." Ethan smiles saying "let's get going then" opening the car door for me.

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