Jaylen's POV
We get to Ethan's house and he says "all my cousins are here already, damn." I say "I'm ready to be objectified" and Ethan chuckles saying "you'll be ok." I say "my mom said she'd stop by for a minute in a little while to see you." Ethan says "she's the only lady I'd leave you for." I say "glad my moms married and you wouldn't help anyone cheat" as he turns his car off.

He chuckles saying "I'm just messing with you. It's me getting back at you for saying my mom was hot." I say "that was at New Years six months ago!" We laugh and he says "and I'm still salty" and I roll my eyes. He smiles and pecks my lips saying "let's go in." We go inside and Ethan says "party's here!" I chuckle and I hear an "ayyy" from several guys. We go in and I mumble "oh look, the whole Instagram fuck boy community is here with their colorful board shorts and wife beaters." Ethan chuckles saying "why do you guys get to come out here looking like whores and grandpa doesn't say anything to you?"

One of the guys says "oh he doesn't stop heckling us about it, I'm just staying comfortable as long as possible. I'm gonna change when your mom tells us he's on his way." I chuckle saying "are you sure I shouldn't be scared of this guy? You wear polos and long pants when he's here so he doesn't harass you." Ethan says "he's like my dad, you'll be fine." One of the guys say "he's awful, don't listen to him" and I say "I'm gonna believe Ethan before I believe you, honey."

Ethan's mom comes into the living room saying "hey boys, your grandfather is on his way. Hey, honey, how was your night?!" She hugs me and I say "it was good, we went out to dinner. It was really peaceful out there." She says "that's great, I'm glad you guys had a good time" smiling and walks to the kitchen. Jen comes downstairs and I say "I got you something, be right back" and she says "ok" and Ethan says "I'll go get it." He jogs out the door and I say "I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?" She says "I'm good, did you look at my anthology?" I say "I did. I left it in my car though. I'll have Ethan bring it back for you when he brings me home, ok?" She says "awesome! Thank you so much!"

Jen hugs me and I say "you're welcome, now go greet your family." The boys all come back from changing their clothes and Jen says "I talked to them already, they are all having girl problems." I say "you're for real, right? All of them?" She says "and I don't know how to help." I say "I need some spice in my life, I'll ask." Jen chuckles saying "alright, have fun."

Ethan comes in saying "I saw a bird I had to take a picture of to send to Mikey but I got Starbucks for you." I chuckle and Jen says "is Mikey coming over?!" I say "he's dating someone, calm down, girlfriend." Ethan says "he'll be here." Jen says "damn, I was so close." Ethan says "you really weren't, you never made a move at all." Jen says "but he did."

I say "that's how he is, he makes moves on me with his partner and my boyfriend present." Jen says "too bad. He's cute" shrugging and Ethan's dad walks in saying "who's cute?" Jen says "no one" going wide eyed. Ethan and I chuckle and their dad says "whatever. JJ, how are you?" I shake his hand that he puts out as I say "I'm alright, sir." He says "alright? What did Ethan do this time?" I say "sir, you talk like there was a time before this where he screwed up. He's leaving and I'm gonna miss him but that's ok."

His dad says "I understand, it's hard for all of us. I just want you to know that you are welcome here anytime. Let us know if you need anything. Don't let my father heckle you, he's old and ex military. We tend to be very strict but don't let him be mean to you. If he is, just let me know." I say "I will, thank you" and his dad walks away. One of Ethan's cousins say "why does he get the best treatment out of our uncle more than anyone? He's not even family!" Ethan chuckles and his dad says "cause he's future family, you're already stuck here! I don't have to be nice to you, punk!"

I chuckle saying "if you leave me for my mom, I'm leaving you for your dad" quietly. Ethan says "we have a deal then" and I chuckle saying "I'm gonna tell my mom you said that." He says "no, don't tell Stephanie that!" I laugh saying "it would be funny and you know it." Ethan says "it would be though." We hear the door open and Ethan says "I gotta greet the people" and I say "these guys have girl problems I was told to figure out for them. I'll be fine." He says "ok" smiling and I sit down on the couch saying "so, fill me in with your problems."

The guy next to me says "why should I trust your opinion?" I say "I kept someone that's related to you for six months. I think I know what's up" and he says "wait, you two are together?!" I say "yeah, you didn't pick up on that?" A couple of the guys chuckle and one of them says "my girlfriend casually tells me she's hanging out with some guy." I say "are you official or have you just been talking for a week?" He says "we've been talking for a few days now." I say "like flirting talking or just talking?" He says "both" and I say "ask her on a date" shrugging. I say "she's probably into it but can't tell if you are. No harm in asking, you barely know her." Ethan comes back saying "who else needs help with their girlfriends?"

A few girls walk through the door and one says "omg, Ethan, he's so cute. Who is this?" Ethan says "this is my boyfriend, JJ." I smile saying "so weird with you saying my name." Ethan says "it is weird." I smile saying "hey" and they giggle and walk into the kitchen. One of the guys say "is he up for dibs while you're gone, Ethan?" I say "no" and Ethan says "fuck no. Absolutely not." I chuckle and Ethan says "let's go outside, people are going to want to sit in here."

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