Jaylen's POV
Two weeks later
"Don't wear anything problematic! Your Uncle George and his girlfriend is gonna be here!" I say "my boyfriend is going to be here, along with Mikey and his boyfriend who wears skirts! That's problematic enough!" Mom says "we don't need to start fights but I'll kick family out before I kick them out for being themselves."

I finish getting ready for my graduation party and I walk downstairs and half of my family is already here. One of my aunts on my moms side says "hi, baby! Congratulations!" I say "thank you!" My grandfather on dads side says "congratulations, son. You deserve this" smiling and hands me a card. I say "thank you" smiling and he squeezes my hand.

He nods and I go outside and my uncle, my father, and my moms dad are all smoking cigars. I say "since when is this your thing?" Dad says "your uncle brought them over from when he went to Cuba. Don't I look cool?" I say "no" chuckling and my uncle says "do you have any friends coming?" I say "I do and the rest of the family is supposed to be here in a bit. Maybe your son will want a cigar. Where's your girlfriend?"

My uncle says "in the house, where's yours?" I say "mine doesn't exist" and my dad squints at me. I say "what?" My dad says "six months? Hello?" I say "my boyfriend is gonna be here" and I go inside. I run into his girlfriend and she says "hey!" I say "how are you?" She says "I'm so good! Congratulations!" I smile saying "thank you! You look so good!" She says "my secret is JC Penney" nodding and I say "love a girly on a budget." She says "I'm a working girly, your uncle doesn't get off his ass anymore. I swear." I say "kick him to the curb maybe" chuckling and she rolls her eyes saying "you aren't supposed to be telling me this" chuckling.

I say "probably not but I don't like him much either" quietly. I hear a roaring engine in my driveway and I say "wow, it's Mikey before Ethan." The door opens and I walk to the door as Mikey says "Bella Caio!" He kisses my cheeks as he does and I say "hi, Michael" smiling. Eliza says "hi!" I say "hi! You look so good!" Mikey says "woah woah woah, hands off my merchandise" as I hug Eliza.

I say "ok, Mr Bella Caio" chuckling and I walk into the kitchen them following me. Mikey says "I still love you?!" I say "aww, you've never said that before." We go into the kitchen and Eliza says "hey, mom" smiling and Mikey says "ayeee, mama!" Mom chuckles saying "hey guys, how are you?" Mikey says "I didn't end up getting studded tires." Mom says "why? You really wanted them."

Mikey says "the man told me not to" looking down. Mom says "Eliza told you not to? Sorry, Michael, but I don't believe that." Mikey says "no, Ethan told me not to" looking down. I chuckle saying "and he lets me do whatever I want" and Mikey whispers "cause you suck his dick, that's why." I laugh my ass off saying "that is true, Mikey. If you want to bribe a cigar out of my homophobic uncle, knock yourself out." Mikey says "time to have fun" going out back behind the house.

Eliza says "he had coffee and went to the gym this morning. He's off the wall." I chuckle saying "we don't care, if mom gets tired of it, she'll just tell him to take a few laps around the house." My aunt says "is that your boyfriend that moms been hyping up since she invited us?" I say "no, that is his" chuckling  and pointing at Eliza. Eliza chuckles saying "he's nice and not this crazy usually, I promise. He'll chill out in a couple hours."

Mikey pops his head in saying "babe, is it legal for me to smoke a cigar and am I allowed to if it is legal?" Eliza says "it's illegal and I'm not kissing that mouth for a week if you do." Mikey says "ok" and smiles then he goes back outside to talk with my dad and the men of my family. Some of my cousins come through the door and one of them says "I brought beer!"

I roll my eyes and the rest of my family comes through then there's a knock on my door. I say "did someone lock the door?" I go to the door and I open it to see Ethan. He says "hey, baby" and I say "hi" smiling. He hands me flowers saying "these are for you" and I smile saying "thank you." I lean on the doorway and his forearm leans above my head. He says "I got you something but I'll give it to you later, ok?" I bite my lip saying "ok" smiling. He says "but this is what I got you for now" quietly, handing me a gift bag. I smile saying "thank you" him kissing me softly.

I mumble "you ready to meet the family?" He smiles saying "yeah, I love you" smiling and I say "I love you too. Why so many gifts though?" We start walking through the house and to the kitchen and Ethan says "well, since I'm leaving in a few days, I thought I'd do something special for us" smiling. I say "you are wonderful." We go into the kitchen and one of my girl cousins say "who is this hunk? Please be just friends. Please be just friends" and I say "this is Ethan and he's my boyfriend."

Ethan says "hey, Steph, anything you need help with?" She says "hey, if you want to go tell my husband to light the grill, that would be great." Eliza says "damn, shawty got a haircut." Ethan says "I did" chuckling and my aunt says "who cut it? The barbershop closed in my town and my sons hair is driving me up a wall." Ethan chuckles saying "I miss my hair. JJ cut my hair" and I say "I miss your hair too." My cousin says "then why'd you cut it?" Ethan says "I ship out to basics in two days. Military training."

She says "wow" and Ethan says "my parents will be around in a bit. Dad probably won't stay long though." I nod saying "ok" smiling and we go outside. The rest of my cousins going out with us, probably to see the two attractive boys that practically follow me around like lost puppies. Eliza says "Mikey?" Mikey says "yes, dear?" Eliza says "can I borrow your keys?" Mikey says "sure" smiling and tosses his keys to Eliza. My uncle says "I would never trust anyone with my truck keys."

Mikey says "I trust him, I'm not worried about him." Ethan says "I parked behind you anyway but he wouldn't move your truck unless you told him to" chuckling. Eliza comes back and tossing Mikey his keys saying "keys" then they say "this is for you" smiling. He hands me a gift and I say "thanks, babe!" He says "you're welcome. You might want to open it later" sitting on Mikey's lap. Ethan says "you better not be competing with my gift" and Mikey says "there's no competition there." My dad says "no gift that he's ever gotten is competing with that and I bought him a brand new car." I say "ok, what did you get me and why does my dad know about it?" Ethan says "well, I had to ask permission" and I chuckle saying "ok. I can't wait?"

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