Jaylen's POV
I say "well, is it good?" He says "yeah" and my mom says "are you telling the truth?" Ethan says "yeah. I'm serious, it's good." I say "ok" chuckling and my mom starts pouring wine for the adults. I say "I'm just messing with you" winking at Ethan. He looks at me saying "it's weird our moms are friends" quietly and I say "sweetie, I know."

My mom and dad start bringing food to the table and we all sit down. Ethan's mom says "it all looks so good, Steph!" My mom says "thanks, babe!" I mumble, with a hand hiding my mouth from the rest of the table, "your moms hot." I do it just to make him shake his head at me and smile and he says "sweetie, would you shut up?" I laugh my ass off and I say "no" just giggling at him. Ethan smiles, shaking his head at me.

He looks at me and my dad says "so, Ethan. Graduation is coming up, any future plans?" Ethan says "not quite decided. A few options but no definite answers. Thought about college, thought about the military, not really into the going straight to a career though." My dad says "what would you want to do in college?" Ethan says "probably something with counterintelligence like cybersecurity or something like that." My dad says "and military, you have family in the military?" His dad says "I was special forces for four tours."

Ethan says "it's just an option for me right now. It doesn't mean anything to me at the moment." We finish eating and he crosses his arms as we all talk. I look over and I mumble "maybe you're the hot one" covering my mouth with my hand so only Ethan can hear me. He rolls his eyes at me and the adults start cleaning us as they sip their wine. I mumble "come here" and Ethan and I sneak off to my room.

I shut the door and he says "do you think they saw us?" I say "maybe my dad did but he's not going to say anything. No one else did though I don't think but then again, I don't know your parents seeing abilities." He leans against the door with his one arm up like every movie hottie ever saying "maybe my dad too but he's not going to take the hint." Ethan leans in a bit and I kiss him slowly, his other hand going to my hip.

His fingers gently graze my skin, his hand sliding slightly under my shirt. He pulls me closer to him and he keeps kissing me. I giggle at him and he says "you're so cute" quietly and I lay down on my bed, pulling him with me. He lays down next to me and he kisses me slowly and I move my hands to his back. His hand slowly moves over my side and Ethan quietly says "babe." I look up at him into his blue eyes and he says "hi" and I chuckle saying "hi."

Ethan says "do you have a thing for my mom?" I laugh saying "no, I was just screwing with you. I thought it was funny." He chuckles saying "you're so weird." I say "it got me what I wanted though." He says "what did you get out of it?" I say "made you smile and shake your head at me" and we chuckle. He kisses me saying "you're cute." I mumble "should we go back yet?"

He says "maybe" kissing me and he gets up, offering me a hand. He pulls me up no problem and kisses me saying "you're light." I chuckle saying "I think you're just strong." He chuckles saying "who knows" pecking my lips. We leave the room and we go to the living room. I lay on the couch and he says "sweetie, would you sit up?" I say "listen, sweetie. No." Ethan grabs my bicep from under my arm and pulls me up. He sits down, my head resting in his lap.

I mumble "mmm, I like this better." I lick my lip, looking up at him. He says "sweetie, you can't do that." I say "do what?" He says "oh my god, nothing" quietly. I smile and he says "you are the worse" and I motion for him to lean in. I look at the entryways to the living room and he kisses me. I mumble "are you out yet?" He kisses down my neck saying "I'm not even in yet, baby" quietly. I blush and I chuckle saying "Ethan" and he says "no, I'm not" quietly.

Ethan bites gently then mumbles "my dad was in the military during the don't ask, don't tell era and I don't know his opinion along with my moms." I mumble "out me to them in a conversation and see how they take it." He mumbles "I couldn't do that to you." I say "if you need to, you can, sweetie." He mumbles "I don't know. I don't think I have anything to worry about but who the hell knows."

I say "it's scary, I get it" quietly. He looks at me saying "you look like you came out with a limp wrist, baby." I laugh and he moves to straddle my hips, me saying "guess who's on top of the boy born with a limp wrist? Careful, he might kiss you" quietly. He chuckles and pecks my lips. I say "I came out just like we all have to. Didn't know what they'd think" quietly. Ethan mumbles "I don't think I've sat with it myself for long enough to tell anyone. It feels like I'm still settling into it." I say "I understand. It might take awhile to get comfortable and that's ok."

He kisses me softly but this time it's different. He mumbles "let's go see what they're gossiping about." He gets up and pulls me up with him. We go and sit in the dining room with them and my dad says "where'd you boys go?" I say "uh, I needed someone to read my poetry anthology. Fresh eyes, ya know?" My dad looks at me weird, knowing I hate poetry with every ounce of my being. Ethan's mom says "you write poetry?! That is awesome. I could never but I am a girlie who keeps way too many poetry books." I chuckle and Ethan's dad says "do you plan to publish it?" I say "not really. I write poems to clear my head so I can focus on writing other things." His father says "so, what do you write?" I say "the school newspaper, basically to be prepared and get me accepted at a college for a journalism major."

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