Chapter 6

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I was awoken from my slumber by a small child and a teenage looking kid fighting over a ten dollar bill. I wasn't on the best side of town so I wasn't to surprised. After watching for a second, and ruling that the older one was getting sloppily aggressive with his words, I decided to step in. I called out to them.

"Hey, kids" I yelled to be heard over them. They both looked at me, the older with a cold expression and the younger with a sorry and almost scared one.

"What do you want bitch!" The older one yelled.

"Well for starters, you need to watch your language, it's not cute" I started. " and I would like it if you stopped yelling at each other." I finished. The older one looked at me with a face of surprise. As if no one had ever talked to him in a stern yet friendly way. I reached out slightly, but when I saw him flinch I immediately pulled back.

"Hey kid, I just want to help you ok." I stated.

"With what?" He asked.

"Anything you need. Name it." I said. There was a long silence.

"Can you get me something to eat." The small child spoke for the first time.

"I can get you both something to eat, sure." I said, looking at the older one then back to the smaller kid. When I saw the older one nod I asked what they wanted. They agreed upon McDonald's.

                      ———Time Skip———

After placing our order the empty McDonald's was quick to serve us. I didn't get anything for me. Only for the kids.

"What are your names?" I asked.

"I'm John" the smaller one said. Then I looked at the older one. He looked up and said, "My names Luca"

"Nice names." I responded. trying to break the silence the was threatening to make its way back to the table, I continued the conversation. "How's school?"

"I don't got to school" Luca said, avoiding eye contact. I was astonished that he didn't go to school.

"Why not?" I said, concern lacing my voice.

"Don't have the money for supplies" John said.

"How much do you need, to start going?" I asked, completely ready to spend all my money on them.

"I don't know but it's not cheap." Luca continued.

"What if after this we go school shopping, how does that sound." I asked.

"Yeah!" John said excitedly.

"On one condition." Luca said. He looked at me trying to be all serious but I could see right through.

"What might this condition be?" I ask, intrigued.

"Tell us your name. We still don't know it." He continued, his expression now back to normal. I chuckled slightly at the question.

"Only if you let me spoil you at the store." I said in a teasing manner. They look at each other, then back at me.

"I think we can make that work." Luca said finally.

"Alright, my name is River" I said, with a shrug.

———Time Skip———

After taking Luca and John shopping, where I ended up emptying my wallet on them with school supplies, a few toys for John, a new phone case for Luca since his was broken, and some food for them.

After shopping we went our ways. Not before I could put my number in Luca's phone in case he needed anything. I then made my way back to my alley for one more night before finding somewhere else to go, hopefully leaving this specific area.

  ———Two Years Later———

I put my bowl of cereal away after washing it. I make my way to my living room where I sit and watch the rain. As I was watching the rain pelt my window, I got a text. I look to see who it's from and it's from Luca.


Hey I was wondering if you would be
at my graduation tomorrow, I would
love for you to be there.


I'll check and see if I have plans.


Ok thanks M.


Him and John had started calling me M. which stands for mom/mother. I didn't object, as it had started out as a joke, but now I feel like I really am a mother figure to them. Especially to John since he is still young.

I check my plans for the next day to make sure I don't have work. I text Luca back letting him know I'll be there, in the back. He said he was extremely excited that I get to come, since he is graduating high school, which is a big deal.

                        ———Time Skip———            

The next morning I make my way out the door making sure I have everything I could possibly need, an umbrella as it was forecasted to rain today, my phone and car keys to get there and be able to take pictures and be in reach in case someone needed me, as well as a small knife concealed on my ankle.

I got there just in time to see him walk up on the stage. After he got his certificate and shook hands he walked back down. I took pictures. After it was over I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. I told him how proud I was of him.

Two years gave me a lot of time to understand emotions, well to a certain length. I still find it hard to cry, and show sympathy. But I'm working on it.

After we bid our goodbyes I made my way back to my apartment. Once I got inside without having time to recognize what was happening I was fighting three men who looked to be shield/Hydra agents they were one in the same at some point which means I presume they still are. I knock all three out, or killed them, I didn't have time to check. I got my bag and an extra jacket and made my way out executing my escape plan I had.

Not to long after I was in a coffee shop trying to figure out who attacked me, when a man walked up to me. I looked up to see a man whom I recognized from somewhere but I couldn't...

"Hey Ruby. Or is it Rain." He said looking me in the eyes.

"Clint" I reply not looking away. " And it's River." I continued.

Hey my peeps!

Sorry this is a little late, and short I thought I would try something with the whole Luca and John thing. If y'all don't like it I can work them out of the story. Let me know!

Don't forget to comment on my terrible spelling/grammar skills!

See ya, my peeps!

Word count-1065
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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