Chapter 22

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———Third Person's P.O.V.———

Two days after the team arrived at the compound, the last teammate to arrive, finally makes an appearance. As he walks through the doors he's greeted by Steve and Bruce. After quick introductions with the most of the team members, he makes his way to the living room/common area.

"Sam." Bucky greets without looking up from what he was doing.

"Cyberbot." Sam replies sarcastically, earning a eye roll from the super-soldier. "So where are the new recruits, huh?" Sam asks further, talked about Luca and John.

"Not recruits." Bucky said, finally looking up.

"Grumpy." Sam stated to Tony as he came in. Tony looked occupied with what he was improving on his tablet.

"Who, Barnes?" He asks while nearly dodging a corner of furniture. "Isn't he always?" He finishes sarcastically, looking up from the tablet. Sam gives a nod saying that Tony was right. Bucky just glares at them as they talk.

"So where are they?" Sam asks excitedly, bouncing on his feet.

"One's upstairs, one's at school, one's in training with Nat." Tony replies.

"Alright!" Sam turns to go upstairs, then pauses. "Wait which one's upstairs?"

"Luca." Tony answers him, looking down at his tablet once again. Sam nods even though Tony can't see him, and makes his way up stairs to find where Luca is.

"JARVIS, where's Luca?" Sam asks after ten minutes of wandering around the floor.

"Luca is in his room." JARVIS answers. Sam sighs.

"Well yeah, but where is his room?" Sam asks again.

"Two doors down, on the right." JARVIS answers. Sam sighs a thank you and makes his way to Luca's room. He knocks on the door and waits for a response to either come in, or for the door to open. After a few moments the door opens, revealing a tired looking Luca.

"Hey, I'm Sam Wilson, I'm a team member, and I have yet to meet you, so here I am." He holds out his hand for Luca to shake, which he does.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Luca." Luca says politely.

"Does Luca have a last name that I could know?" Sam asks humorously.

"Oakes, Luca Oakes, my little brother, John, has the same last name even though we aren't blood related." Luca responded.

"Oh you aren't blood related?" Sam questions, confused.

"Yeah, we're sorta adopted." Luca responds.

"Oh." Sam says awkwardly, then remembers he has to meet the other 'recruit' that's currently here. "We'll I'll let you go, see ya around." Sam announced over his shoulder as he was turning to walk away.

"Yep." Luca whispered, then closed his door and walked back to his desk.

"Ugh." He sighed. He continued to search for colleges that would suit him. It was proving to be quite the different task. Many hours pasted and Luca was still sat at his desk. Hearing a knock at the door he got up and opened it to reveal a smiling Steve.

The Widow Soldierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें