Chapter 25

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The team wakes up to find themselves tied to metal chairs, in a dark room. The only other objects in the room consist of an old metal table in front of the team. Which by the looks of it, and the dried blood that was all over it despite the obvious attempts of it trying to be cleaned up, was used for torture. And of course a small metal table on wheels, which looks as if it was taken from a hospital, completed with torture devices of a large variety.

"Love how Thor leaves right before we all get kidnapped." Natasha says sarcastically, earning a sigh from Steve and Clint.

"He has impeccable timing." Tony adds to what Natasha said.

The team sits there for a little over two hours before a man comes in with white lab coat on. He introduces himself as Dr. Driscoll. The doctor fangirls for a little while but is stopped by the door opening. With a terrified look on his face he turns to see who opened the door, expecting to see a Hydra guard or leader, as the Avengers are in the room with him. His expression quickly changes when he sees a little girl walk through the door, holding a pink teddy bear close to her.

"Oh look! A subject!" The doctor explains excitedly, clapping his hands together.

"Come sit little girl!" He motions to the table.

The little girl gives the doctor a look of disbelief, with a scoff, and walks closer to the where the Avengers are tied up. The doctor still not believing the sass little girl just gave him, stands there like a deer in headlights.

The little girl makes her way over to Wanda and looks at her for a good minute before she, still holding her teddy bear, climbs on her lap making Wanda smile.

"I like your shirt!" The little girl explains pointing to her shirt.

"Thank you." Wanda thanks the little girl in her lap.

"Your welcome!" The little girl says excitedly, before crawling off her lap, and making her way over to the doctor.

"What are you doing with them?" She questions.

"Torture!" The doctor explains, looking like a child himself.

"No you're not."the little girl sasses.

"Yes I am, you can't stop me." The doctor replies to the girl.

"No," the little girl slowly turns to the door she came through before, and points, "but they can."

The doctor turns to see a female figure in the doorway, wearing full Hydra agent uniform. Her blonde hair up in a ponytail, with two face framing pieces pulled out on either side of her face.

The female in the doorway slowly walks into the room taking in everything and everyone. After she is fully in the room she makes her way over to the little girl, and crouches done to pick her up. After whispering something into the little girls ear, she puts her down, and the little girl makes her way out of the room.

The doctor gives the woman a weird look, as if questioning why the little girl said 'they' as in plural when there was clearly only one woman.

"Is there an invisible person here to? Where is the other?" The childish doctor asks.

"Don't worry, company's coming." The blonde woman says, looking at the doctor, then at the team.

"Explain to me who they are." The blonde woman, demands the doctor.

The doctor gives a short answer, "the Avengers."

"And why exactly are the Avengers, here, and why are they tied up?" The still nameless, blonde woman asks.

Just then a commotion is heard from the halls. Followed by some grunts and groans of pain. It sounds as if someone is getting beaten. The doctor, now on edge, asks what the commotion is.

"Company." The blonde woman answers shortly.

After a few moments a man's body falls into the room. With everyone, other than the blonde woman, now on edge they watch as another female makes her way into the room. Not stepping out of the shadow, all the Avengers could see was the silhouette of the woman with blood dripping from her torso.

"Rain what the hell?" The blonde woman yells at her.

"They don't know how to throw a proper punch." The woman named Rain, says laughing.

"Rain seriously!" The woman yells at her once again.

"Sorry, sorry. I was stabbed. Twice." Rain explains.

"And where is the knife you were stabbed with?" The woman asks her.

"I had to take it out." Rain explains.

"And where is it?" The blonde woman asks, almost sounding like her mother.

After a few brief moments the woman who goes by Rain looks out into the hallway, as if trying to find where the knife went.

"In that nice man's neck" she finally says, with a smile on her face apparently, as the next thing the blonde woman says is,

"Don't smile, this isn't a laughing matter."  She says.

At this point Clint has put it together that 'Rain' was one of the nicknames River goes by, and  tries his best to somehow let Natasha know, although it seems she already put that together too. With her famous smirk plastered on her face she turns her head in Clint's direction. The two sharing eye contact for a few moments, before they were interrupted.

"Maggie chill." River says to the blonde woman, who's name is now known as Maggie.

After Maggie let's out a sigh she nods her head in the direction of the team. River now stepping out of the shadows, with a quizzical look on her face. Also wearing a Hydra agent uniform although hers more darker colors and with a mask hanging around her neck.

"Who are they?" She asks Maggie.

Everyone other than Clint and Natasha now seeing that 'Rain' is River. Luca and John feeling as if a brick has hit them in the chest, watching their mother figure not remember them. And Sam just slightly confused, as he had never seen River before.

"The Avengers." Maggie answers.

"And they're our mission why?" River asks, even more confused now.

"I don't know, but the team, collectively, wants this done."

The team, still tied to the chairs, now concerned for their safety more so than they had been before. Natasha currently working at the rope the is tying her hands together, only to realize that the are connected to the chair. So without someone else cutting her free, or her breaking the chair, she can't undo them.

Natasha looks around only to see that, Wanda and Pietro have power cancelling cuffs on, and the ropes used to tie Steve and Bucky are extremely reinforced. And with everyone else having their hands tied the same way as her, they really couldn't get out of them. Hydra really thought of everything.

Yeah, and where is said team?" River asks.

"Chill, they're coming." The woman answers.

This earns a sigh from River. She walks over to the doctor and stands in front of him. The doctor now quiet out of fear, breathes heavily. River looks over her shoulder back at Maggie who gives a slight nod of the head. River then puts her right hand on the doctors shoulder.

"Dr. Driscoll," she speaks to the doctor, "I'm not at all sorry." She finishes with a smile.

She then drives a knife that was being held with her left hand into the doctors torso, then takes it back out and drives it into his right shoulder. Then she takes the knife out and puts it on the metal table as the doctor falls to the floor, and wipes her hands on her thighs, getting a small amount of blood on her pants.

"You got a-uh...a rag?" River asks Maggie, who moments later takes a rag out of her Hydra jacket pocket, and tosses it over to her.

Hey my peeps!

Please comment on spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I will try fix them.

I'm loving Loki season 2 so far, can't wait for the next episode! And I hope you're liking the story!

See ya, later my peeps!

Word  count-1319
Word count does  not include  A/N at the end of the story.

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