Chapter 15

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"With him gone," I say pointing back at the dead man on the floor, "we are perfectly fine." Stark then looks at me confused but before he could say anything Rogers spoke up.

"What does that mean?" He asks.

"The other agents, they knew you, they respected you, why?" Romanoff says looking up at me.

"They don't respect me, they're scared of me, and they hear rumors about my work all the time, that's how they know me." I say looking at no one in particular.

"You knew two of them by name." She points out. Everyone looks at me for an explanation.

"We were at one point on the same team, they're pretty high up now, they were in here with Grover," I start, and then was interrupted by Clint

"Who was he?" He asks.

"One of the most powerful persons in Hydra after I got out. His team was the only team that ever got close to taking me back. But with two of my agents on it, they never actually got close at all."  Before I could finish another question was asked.

"Your team, your agents? We need some explanation" Stark says.

"Yes, my team, I was the leader of STRIKE team DEVO, we only did more higher up missions mostly with a political aspect, so we're all well known assassins, and Moretii and Roche were the ones I was closest to, they went through intense training to get that high, and now they're higher they must have made some bargain with Wolfgang Von Strucker. Only Hydras own creations ever get that high up. But their loyalties lie with me, anything that they do, I know about, and I allow it.

"You allow it!" Rogers yells, I understand why he yelled. He thought I was completely out of Hydra, that I had no strings attached to the organization, and then he finds out I do, indeed still have contact of some form with some of they're agents. He's probably ready to kill me at this point, and Barnes looks close to flipping some tables too.

"Yes, I allow it. But I also control it." I say looking back and forth between Rogers, Barnes, and Stark. Romanoff is to out of it to be fully in the conversation, so she's just listening to us, while Wanda checks in in her.

"How do you control it?" Rogers asks still pretty angry.

"If I believe it to be from the higher ups I don't allow it, and if it is to assassinate a person who seems to have done no wrong I don't allow it."

"So you still allow them to assassinate people, just not the 'good' ones?" Barnes asks this time.

"Yes." I say quickly. I can see the gear turning in Rogers head, trying to figure out exactly what that meant.

"But you still allow them to assassinate." Rogers says finally, not approving of what happens. "That's wrong," he looked me dead in the eyes, "killing people is wrong!" He finishes with a louder tone then he started with.

"Sometimes the ends justify the means." I say then quickly learn I shouldn't have.

"No it doesn't!" He steps closer to me, I look over at Barnes as Rogers keeps getting closer.

"Get your boy." I say to Barnes. He then grabs Rogers by the shoulders and tells him to calm down.

"Look I know your mad, but right now isn't the time to try and kill me, save it for the farmhouse." With that said I make my way over to Romanoff, to check how she is. "How's she lookin'?" I ask Wanda.

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