Chapter 26

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After catching the rag with ease, whilst picking up her knife with the other hand, River uses the rag to clean off her knife, before putting it back into its holder around her waist.

Just then a man in Hydra uniform walks into the room, and makes his way over to Maggie. After giving Maggie a quick kiss, he hears a gag noise come from River, he turns to look at her, with a smile on his face. After turning he lets out a quick laugh.

"Get a room." River whispers.

"Really Cassius?" He asks with a laugh in his voice.

"Yes really, the lovey dove-y stuff is gross man." River explains, "How much longer will they be?" River asks, knowing that the three of them were just together.

"Like twenty to twenty-five minutes." He answers.

River let's put a sigh, "Hey Nathan can you...stitch me up real quick?" She then asks.

"If you have all the supplies, I ain't stitching you up with a sewing kit again." He says in a joking manner.

"That's all I have on me at the moment," River says with a small laugh, "Oh and vodka. They left it laying around so I took it."

"Vodka, for life?" The man now known as Nathan bargains.

After a few moments of thought, Rive responds with a nod, and a mumbled 'fine', as she lift herself up onto the metal table.

Luca and John both looking away immediately, and try their best to not see or hear anything that is currently happening, while the rest look away from the scene in front of them frequently, but not fully so they can still be alert to what is happening. Tony being the closest to the boy's whispering a few 'sorry's' their way.

By the time Nathan is done stitching up River, and she is standing up from the table, two more men in Hydra uniform walk in. Some of the team recognizing them as Roche and Moretii from beforehand.

"Hey boys, you finally made it." Maggie says sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Roche replies, while waving his hand in a dismissing manner.

"What did you two do?" River asks, after realizing the guilty look on the two's faces.

" see, we kinda ... may or may not have.... Umm....." Roche starts, "yeah, the fat guys coming." He finally gets there.

A few 'oh my god's' and 'really?'s were heard through out, the team not believing how stupid the two could  be.

"How did that happen?" Nathan asks, totally over the fact that they would now have to fight, for their mission.

"Well he just kinda walked in." Moretii replies.

"And how long do we have?" Maggie asks the two idiots.

"Not long." They say at the same time.

"Ok you two get to count, Maggie and Nathan can you two carry?" River tells the two, and then asks the couple.

"Yeah sounds good." Maggie answers.

"Ok great." River mumbles to herself, as she starts walking towards the door, which she then exits through.

Once she's gone it doesn't take long for both Roche and Moretii to finish counting the Avengers. Once they're done the go back and help Maggie and Nathan with anything they need. Maggie then asks if Moretii could go get Sage and bring her back.

"I'll go too, neither of us should be trusted alone, we'll do something stupid, like lead the fat man right to us." Roche chuckles as he says the last part.

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