Chapter 13

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Third Person P.O.V.

"You know what Romanoff." Steve replies and I see Natasha smirk.

"Let's be civil here. I don't want to cover one of your deaths up." Clint says, taking his eyes off the uno game.

"Because you'd get caught right off the bat?" Pietro asks teasingly.

"Hey! I could cover up a murder great, ok."

"Sure Clint," Kira starts to say backing up her boyfriend, "Who here could actually cover up a murder?" She looks around the rooms as everybody starts to converse. "Without getting caught!" She says quickly when they start to turn to Rogers.

Clint then speaks up in a loud voice, "OH, OH, OH, I KNOW!" he says as everyone is now looking at him. "It would have to be Kira, Nat, Barnes, and Riv."

"Wait, why not me, or Wanda, or anyone else who isn't a trained assassin and has actually covered up murders?" Pietro asks, his voice becoming louder by the word. Clint gives him a 'really' look which makes Rogers crack up.

"I will injure you." Pietro says trying to be scary towards Rogers, which only makes his laughter worse.

"See Pietro, all Kira would have had to do is look at him and he would back off." Luca says while trying his best to hold his laughter back.

"Exactly," Clint says agreeing with Luca. "Same with Nat and Barnes."

"What about River?" Nat asks, trying to get her to join the conversation, which doesn't work as Clint answers for her.

"Easy, I-F-Y-F-A-Y-F-O." He says as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"What the fuck does that mean!" Rogers asks, but it turns more into a shout as some small laughter breaks out.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Barnes says, finally joining in on the banter.

"Really Buck, you too?" Rogers asks his best friend. He just shrugs as Clint starts talking yet again.

"It means, 'If you fuck around you find out," he starts, "and nobody want to fuck around when it comes to that." He finishes as he turns to point at where she is. Everyone turns to look at her as she is on her laptop, seemingly unaware of the conversation currently happening about her until...

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here, assholes" she says without moving her eye line.

"Assholes clearly excluding, me of course." Clint says.

"No, you are very much an asshole." Nat says while smirking at him.

River's P.O.V

I feel the intelligence leave my body the more I am surrounded by these morons. And the conversation that is playing out in front of me is evidence enough to back that statement. It's like watching monkeys arguing over who is the scariest when the scariest of them are very seldom in the conversation. Before I lose too many brain cells listening in on there conversation, I decided I could go for a run. As I make my way to the door, after putting my laptop away, I hear Clint.

"Woah, woah, woah, where are you going?" Clint asks me, as I turn to face the group to answer.

"The longer I am around you imbeciles, the lower my IQ gets, so I'm going on a quick run to chase my brain cells that are trying to get away." With that said I turn and make my way out the door to go on my quick run, but before I close the door I hear some hushed voices. I can't tell what they are saying so I get on with my run.

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