Chapter 14

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After I had realized what had happened to Romanoff I knew I had to find her. I know I did completely bring down Hydra, just blew up their buildings, but there are still Hydra agents around the world. And the guy who asked me who I was, on my run, is now on top of my Hydra agent list.

After I make my way out the door, I immediately get on my bike and drive off to my storage unit. I know the others will try and follow me and I honestly don't really care. That is until the fight starts. Then they need to stay out of my way. This is my fight and if they get involved, they'll have leverage. And I want to have the upper hand.

I get to my storage unit and open it up revealing a nice computer setup on one side and on the other a mini armory. In the corner is a black duffel bag with some clothes that are easier to fight in. I make my way over to the computer set up at the desk and log in, and I immediately start to search for Romanoff.

———Two Days Later———

I have been up all for the 48 hours since I got here looking for Romanoff, and I have finally found her. She's still in America which makes things a lot easier for me. After I pin her location and get into my combat clothes and mask, I go out to where my bike is. Once I get there I see ten figures around my bike. Luckily I notice who they are before I kill them. Standing in front of me are Stark, Barnes, Rogers, Banner, Thor, Clint, Kira, Pietro, Wanda, and Luca.

"I honestly thought you would be here sooner." I deadpanned.

"Yeah well it's kinda difficult to find an ex-Hydra assassin when you don't want to be found." Tony says with a humorous tone. I find it almost amusing how long it took them to find me. I didn't even try to cover my tracks, guess I have some habits that helped me out there.

"I didn't cover any of my tracks, nor did I go off the grid." I tell Tony, but before he can make another sarcastic comment, I speak up. "You can't follow me. You have to stay here, this is my fight." I tell everyone.

"It became our fight the moment Nat was involved." Rogers speaks up, putting an emphasis on 'our'.

"We won't let you fight alone." Clint says, looking at me.

"We won't allow it." Luca sides with Clint.

"And by the looks of it, you know where she is." Rogers speaks again.

"I know where she is, yes. But I will not allow any one of you to get injured because of my mistake." I say looking Rogers dead in the eyes.

"I thought you weren't involved in her going missing." Rogers says, still looking in my eyes.

"I'm always involved with Hydra." I say, then I hear Barnes speak up.

"Hydra did this? Why would they want her." He questions me.

"They don't want her." I tell them. After getting some confused looks Stark speaks up again, and I'm surprised when it is in no way sarcastic.

"Then what or who do they want?" He asks. It wasn't directed towards me, but I could tell everyone assumed I would answer, and I did.

"Me. Now if you'll move out of my way I have some things I need to do." I say the last bit as I'm ushering them away from my bike so I can get on. Once I'm on I put my helmet on and start the engine, but right before I drive off I tell them something.

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