Chapter 29

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I was confused by what the Natasha lady had said about me being better before. I stood there thinking it over until she spoke again breaking me out of my train of thought. I look at her as she speaks up.

"I'm sorry I didn't think before I spoke. It didn't mean anything." She apologized, with a light chuckle and smile at the end.

That smile. A true happy smile. Something that comes so easily to some yet is the best feeling for others to see, to experience, to feel. It's common for everyone to smile when they have happiness and joy in their lives, yet those who are submerged in darkness their whole lives, never truly smile.

Putting my distraction behind, I ask "Before?"

I watch as she hesitates before answering, but before she can get anything out Maggie come barging through the doors. The look cast upon her face is pure fear. Terror even. Terror that has never been on her face before, not even during the most strenuous torture she has been through.

"Sage."  She says.

She says it in a low and scared voice as if saying it out loud seems to make it real. I immediately make my way over to her, Natasha still standing up from the ground on the mat we sparred on.

"I can't find Sage." Maggie clarifies once I'm in front of her.

"Did you ask around, or immediately come and find me?" I ask, knowing that she did exactly that without thinking.

"I-uh, yeah." She says, and gives me a small grin.

"Alright let's go ask around ok?" I ask.

She nods her head as she turns around to exit through the door she came in. She decides that we should go find either Stark or Banner since they seem like they would know where she was, or be able to find Sage.

When the two arrived at the lab where Stark and Banner were both tinkering with random things, River let Maggie go in first.

"Do you know where Sage is?" Maggie asks into the room, not directing it at anyone.

"I'm here momma!" A sound comes from behind the desk Stark is at.

Sage comes running out with her teddy bear and jumps into Maggie's arms. Maggie let's put a relieved laugh as she catches Sage. River turns to the mother-daughter duo.

"Found her." River says teasingly towards Maggie.

Maggie gives River an unamused look with a side eye. River just smiles back innocently and then redirects her attention on the room. Tony Stark is looking at her, mouth agape as if he was surprised. Banner was wide-eyed and staring at her. River gives them a weird look and then looks back at Maggie and Sage once Sage speaks to her.

"Auntie Rain, guess what!" Sage asks.

"What?" River replies matching her enthusiasm.

"I finally named him!" Sage exclaims as she holds up her teddy bear.

"What's his name?" River asks.

"Cardi Bear! You know after Cardi B! But Bear!" Sage is really excited about this and River doesn't hesitate to match it with her own enthusiasm.

"That's a great name! What a smart kid you are." River compliments.

River then speaks to Maggie, complimenting Sage to her, then she decides that she needs to get back to her sparring with Romanoff.

"I've got to go finish sparring with Romanoff, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah. See you later." Maggie says back, before smiling at River.

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