Chapter 16

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It doesn't sound like it's fine. I could tell he was lying through his teeth, but I don't bring it up. He'll no doubt try to kill me once we have taken down Hydra. Or even before. Something I'll have to keep in mind.

I make my way back over to Roche to see how the background check is going. He gives me a thumbs up, which is enough for me to know, he's clean. I glance over at Grover once more before turning my full attention to Roche.

"How clean?" I ask Roche, he looks up from the computer.

"Too clean." With the he glances back down at the computer then turns it around so I can see. Nothing. I see nothing. Nothing that could incriminate him, and most certainly nothing that would bring up any red flags with a digital background check.

"Deep dive." I tell Roche, he quickly gives me a nod then turns the computer back around so he could get to work.

"Glad to have you on the team Grover. I'm looking forward to see how you can improve the team. In the mean time, try not to burn down the place trying to make Mac n' Cheese while I'm gone." I say the last part sarcastically, quickly earning a confused look from Grover, and unamused looks from Moretii and Roche.

"Hey, that only happened once," Moretii starts, and then finishes in a softer voice, "and I had the fire stopped almost immediately." He gives me an innocent look, yet the smile on his face wasn't in the slightest bit innocent, it was comical. He then burst out laughing with Roche and Grover, who was still slightly confused, following close behind.

When I got back to the farmhouse I first went to check on Romanoff. She was slightly pale, but other than that she looked fine. After checking on Romanoff, I went to the living room, where most of the team was.

"So, where'd you go?" Rogers asked me, without looking away from what he was doing. I turned so I was facing him completely.

"Somewhere." He turned to look at me, but before he could say anything else, Pietro spoke up.

"Come play Monopoly with us River!" He exclaimed.

———Time Skip———

"YOU CHEATER!" Kira yelled at Stark, I'm starting to see a pattern with her and yelling, especially when the yelling is directed towards Stark.

"Calm down Kira, it's only a game." Stark tried, and failed to calm her down.

"JUST A GAME! JUST. A. GAME?!" Kira then yelled even louder than before, and Stark looked truly shocked, as did Rogers and the Maximoff's. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Clint trying his best to not break down with laughter.

He failed.

The moment Kira heard him laughing she stood up from her place on the floor and went over to him. She then slapped him. It was a petty little slap, but oh was it funny. Romanoff then chuckled, earning a not so pleasant look from Clint. After a few quiet moment everyone burst out laughing, except me, Barnes, and Stark who were still getting over the fact he was put in place by Kira.

I get up from my spot on the couch to go in the kitchen to see the progress Roche has made on the background check. After maybe 30 minutes, I see Barnes come over to get a cup of water.

"What are you doing?" He asks, without looking at the computer screen. Without looking up, I answer sarcastically.

"Fantasizing about which knife I should use to stab Stark in the throat with." I reply.

"I would just use a throwing knife." I look up to see him, he was looking right at the information on my screen. "So what are you really doing?" He asks.

"It's pretty obvious isn't it?" I ask, he looks back at the screen then back to me.

"Background check. But the question is, on who?"

"That's my business." I state coldly. He looks at me quickly, sighs, then moves back to the group.

———One Week Later———

I walk into the building to meet with my team, but stop when I hear gunshots.


I pull out my gun and slowly make my way towards the meeting room. Once I get in I see two people in the floor, one fighting for his life on the floor, Moretii. And the other shot in the abdomen. When I get closer I see that the one suffering from a gunshot to the abdomen, is Grover. I look up to see Roche with his weapon drawn. I can see fear in his eyes.

"What the hell happened?" I yell, looking at Roche, he looks at me and instead of speaking he points his weapon at Grover and slowly nods his head towards him.

"Grover, what happened?" I ask in a low voice. Instead of receiving an answer I see him raise his gun and fire a shot. I react faster and duck, the bullet goes into the wall behind me, right where my head would be. Roche fired on shot right to the back of Grover's head.

"Roche?" I ask while looking at him.

"Grover." He says while pointing to the now dead body.

"Moretii?" I ask hopefully. All I hear is a grunt. I rush to his side while ripping a piece off my shirt. I use the fabric to soak up the blood still seeping out of his wound. "Talk to me Moretii." I say hoping I would get a response. All I can think about right now is keeping him alive. Anything and everything else is no longer relevant. It's been about three minutes until brought from my thoughts my a loud yell.

"I SAID HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" The voice yells. I don't listen. I continue to try and keep my agent alive, not caring about the guns that are most definitely pointed at me.

I hear whispering. And then shuffling of people, most likely leaving. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I immediately turn around and throw a punch. Square in the jaw.

"Damn, I'm just trying to be nice." I hear the owner of the hand say. I then look to see who it is finally recognizing the face.

"Clint, what are you doing here?" I ask, not understanding where he came from when I zoned out the world to help Moretii.

"I'll explain once we get on the quinjet." He says.

Once we were on the quinjet, all eyes turn to me. The entire quinjet was looking at me for answers, when I was still asking questions myself.

"What happened before we got there?" Clint asks, 'We' referring to him, Stark, Barnes, Luca, John, and Kira.

"I don't know." I reply slightly untruthfully.

"How the hell do you not know, we walked in and you were helping him out." Stark says, sarcastically of course.

"I was walking in, heard two gunshots, ran into the room to see Moretii on the floor bleeding out and Grover, the dead guy, shot at me and-" I cut myself off.

Hey, my peeps!

How are you? Been a second since I posted huh.

Well sorry about that, I'll hopefully be getting back on it, anyways this chapter was a bitch to write, so I hope it was at least decent quality.

Don't forget to comment on any grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes.

See ya, later my peeps!

Word  count-1194
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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