Chapter 10

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"I don't have to tell you shit, and I'm sure when Luca wakes up he'll tell you everything." I turn to make my way out of the kitchen when someone grabs my arm. I turn and smack their hand away aggressively. I see that it's Natasha, as she makes a punch towards my the face. I dodge her attack and go to punch her as she goes to kick my legs out. I ended up getting a good punch at her as she was to focused on kicking my legs out. I see blood dripping from her nose as I dodge her kick to my legs. She goes to attack me a few more times, but I dodge most of them and the ones I don't dodge don't do much of anything to help her. I kick out her legs and she hits the floor with a thud, it knocks the wind out of her for a second. She kips up and puts me in a headlock. I kick her knee out and get out of her headlock only to put her in one.

"What was that for?" I ask her through gritted teeth. She struggles to get out, but to no avail.

"Huh" I ask her again, "why."  I see her struggling to breathe so I make a judgement call. Knowing that if I do anything more everyone in this room would have it out for me. So I let go of her and she falls the rest of the way to the floor. Struggling to catch her breath back. I back away with my hands up as I make eye contact with a few of the Avengers who all looked surprised to see Natasha get beat in a fight.

"See you tomorrow." I say as I turn around and make my way to where I was staying that night, just as Captain America, and Wanda make their ways to help Natasha up.

———Time Skip———

Then next morning I made my way to the kitchen to grab an apple or something else small to eat. Once I got there I see three figures eating at the table. I make my way over to grab an apple and turn to see who is already up. It was Captain America, Black Widow, and Wanda.

"How's your nose?" I ask the red headed women sitting in the middle of the two others.

"Just great, thanks." She replies in a sarcastic tone.

"What's with the attitude?" I ask, not as nicely as before.

"You attacked me. Did you forget?" She responded in the same sarcastic tone as before hand.

"I defended myself." I say matter of factly.

"I will admit I've never seen someone beat the infamous Black Widow in a fight before." A voice came from behind. "And I'm sure its not a pleasant feeling for Natasha over there."  Clint said in a sarcastic tone.

"I hate you." Natasha deadpanned.

"Where's Luca, Im dying to hear this explanation." Clint continues while looking at me whilst I'm eating my apple.

"Still sleeping." I reply with little effort to sound friendly. Just then Luca came into the room, and made his way over to me. "Morning M." He said while hugging me from the side. I reciprocate the side hug.

"Good morning to you to Luca. They want to know the story behind us," I say while pointing to the four in front of us, "everything, including John. You can tell them." He nodded towards me and then made his way over to where the four Avengers were seated. While he explained how we had met and how the whole 'Mom' thing came around I finished my apple. I then made my way over to the group which had grown in size. Tony, Thor, and Bruce had joined, and I could see a shadow I presumed to be Bucky in the corner. The only people missing were Pietro, Kira, Hill, and Fury, but I'm sure they'll be here soon.

"Hey Luca," I whispered from where I was and Luca turned to see me and hear me better as I continued whispering, "I'm leaving, and I need to be sure you're ok, if you're ever in danger or just need me page me, ok." I said as I hand him a pager. "And be sure to get home and take care of John ok." I finished as he took the pager, knowing he couldn't stop this from happening  even if he ever so badly wanted to.

"Ok, but promise to be safe ok and come visit us when you can," he said looking me in the eyes, "and I'm sure they would want to hear from you to." He finished motioning over to the group that had grown yet again to be everyone in the house.

"I'll do my best."  I say as turn to the group. The only person to notice the interaction between me and Luca, was Bucky, and I'm sure he wouldn't tell on me. I make my way out of the room doing my best to not be noticed, and make my way towards the room I had been staying in, to grab my bag. Once I got there I took a note out that I had written the night before and put it on the dresser. I grabbed my bag and turned to leave when I noticed a figure in the doorway.

"Were you going to tell us you were leaving, kid?" He asked.

"Wasn't planning on it, no." I say while I walked over to the door.

"Mind moving a little over to the right so I could leave?" I asked in a fake polite voice. It was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke up.

"Where'd you grow up?" He asked.

"Why do you need to know Barnes?" I asked the politeness now gone completely.

"Just wonder where you got that thick Russian accent." He responded.

"Hydra." I say quickly before taking another step closer to the door. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a place to be." I continued before signaling to him to move out of the way. He does and I make my way out of the room before quickly turning back towards him. "Don't tell on me." I say before going out the front door and making my way out of sight.

———Time Skip———

After around 4 hours of bargaining, I finally got an apartment. It was small and dingy, but it wasn't to far from Clint's farm house. I wanted to be able to get there quickly if something happened, especially while Luca was still there. I walked into my new apartment and immediately set up my computer. The only thing that is keeping me from ending Hydra, is that I don't know where the bases are. So without eating anything, or setting up my living space I dove right into the computer, hacking my way into shield databases, which was easier than I thought. You would think a government agency that is quite keen on not being detected would have a better security for their databases, but I guess not.

"Found ya" I exclaim when I find the Hydra files hiding behind the Shield ones. They thought they could hide them, well they could, just not from me. After I found the remaining Hydra bases, and put them into the program I had created, and then I was ready to hit the hay. I was exhausted and I just now realized it was already four in the morning. I took a quick shower and went to bed.

Hey my peeps!

I would like to say a quick thank you to buckysdaughter678 for helping me with the storyline and beginning few chapters of this book, I really appreciate it and couldn't have posted any stories on here without you egging me on to do so, so thank you! And if any readers are currently seeing this please say thank you in the comments, it would mean a lot!

Don't forget to comment on my grammar/spelling mistakes, as I'm positive there will be some.

If you have any suggestions on the story feel free to comment them and I'll do my best to read and try and incorporate it if I can.

Also please check out my other story 'The сестра'!

(Sorry for the long a/n)

See ya, later my peeps!

Word count-1268
Word count does not include A/N at the end of the story.

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