Chapter 1: Xiao

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A/n: this type of writing means it's onscreen

"The next thing shown will be a part of the last video." Mailin explains and everyone nods.

"Wait, what even happened in the last video, I still don't understand." some say. 

Yelan sighs and explains "Aether, his travel companion, Yanfei, Shinobu, Itto, Xiao and I were trapped in a chaotic space deep underground in the chasm. In order to get out we had to use a fantastic compass. Adeptus Xiao and I combined our power to activate it and then it amplified that power."

After granting Xiao permission to venture into the chasm, Zhongli remains alone on the balcony, exhaling a deep sigh. Xiao had retreated to his room within the serene Wangshu Inn to rest, leaving Zhongli with his thoughts under the starlit sky.

"Did you seriously just let him go? Even after we agreed it's far too dangerous?" The sharp critique comes from behind, voiced by an irate Venti.

"Good evening to you too, Venti," Zhongli responds, his tone even.

"Don't start with me, Morax! He could die..." Venti's voice trails off, laden with worry and fear, pulling at Zhongli's heartstrings.

An awkward silence envelops the theater, punctured by a chorus of surprised and confused voices.

"Wait, what?!"

"But Rex Lapis is dead, we saw him fall!"

"I knew something was up!"

Angry and bewildered glares are cast in Zhongli's direction.

"Alright, fine. I staged my demise to retire in peace. Are you satisfied now?"


"Can we please move on?"

"Please, don't let Xiao go. I can't bear to lose anyone else... I thought I had lost you once because you neglected to inform me of your plan, you infuriating man!" Venti's plea breaks through Zhongli's stoic facade, and he finally loses his temper.

"Would you just calm down?!" he snaps, more harshly than intended.

Venti flinches, retreating, a look of fear crossing his face. Regret washes over Zhongli immediately, and he gently takes Venti's hands, drawing him into a comforting embrace. The familiar warmth helps soothe Venti's frayed nerves.

"Promise me he'll be safe. And if anything happens, we'll go after him."

"I promise, my love."

"You two are together?"

"Married, actually."

"Then why on earth did you act like strangers?" Hu Tao demands, frustration evident in her voice.

"All in due time, I suppose."

Days later, atop the chasm with Venti by his side, Zhongli watches intently, the tension palpable. Venti, on edge, nearly loses hope until Zhongli assures, "Stay calm. He's close; I can sense him nearing the surface."

Venti's anxiety peaks as the group emerges without Xiao.

"Where is he? Why isn't he with them?"

Before Zhongli can respond, the grim realization hits.

"He's sacrificed himself to save them. He's falling, and fast."

"Can't you save him?"

"The chaotic space blocks my powers. Someone is keeping me out."

"Then throw me into it!"

"Morax, now!"

Complying, Zhongli launches Venti into the sky. Mid-air, Venti transforms, wings sprouting, his outfit shifting to that of the Anemo Archon.

"You're the Anemo Archon?!" Barbara gasps, echoed by the audience's stunned silence.

Diving into the chaotic space, Venti calls out to Xiao, who, disoriented, responds to the familiar voice.

"Mother?" Xiao's confusion fades as Venti secures him, their flight back to the surface powered by a boost from Zhongli's energy.

Safely landing, Venti immediately checks on Xiao, their reunion marked by a mix of relief and reprimand.

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine—OW!"

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

Xiao, guilt-ridden, apologizes, touching the tender spot on his arm that'll surely bruise.

The theater is abuzz, the revelation of Zhongli and Venti's marriage and parenthood to Xiao leaving the audience in a whirlwind of emotion and surprise.

"So, to clarify, the Geo Archon and the Anemo Archon are married and have a son?" Beidou sums up, mirroring the collective shock.

Venti and Zhongli simply nod, their family's extraordinary tale unfolding before an incredulous crowd.

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