Chapter 5: Aerden

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"Next up will be a bit different, more people are going to be introduced, but different ones first before we move on with Kaiyo, Yuko, Terai and Mei." Mailin explains.

In the heart of Liyue, amidst the jubilant crowd gathered for the festival celebrating the unity of earth and wind, stands a young man, Aerden, whose very essence captures the theme of the day. The festival is alive with the rustling of silk banners and the soft chime of wind instruments, the air scented with incense and jasmine, the earth beneath their feet thrumming with anticipation.

Everyone watches attentively.

"I think I've seen him around the city before..." Jean says, trying to recall.

Venti smirks mischievously, a small smile graces Zhonglis lips.

Aerden steps forward, the spotlight of the setting sun casting his figure in a silhouette. His hair cascades down his back, a tapestry of earthen tones that transition into the azure of a midday sky. His eyes, closed in concentration, flicker open to reveal irises that are the color of the earth after rain, flecked with the green of new leaves dancing in the breeze.

The crowd hushes as Aerden begins to move, his body a conduit between the ground below and the skies above. His feet trace patterns in the dust, while his hands sketch gestures in the air, summoning the powers of geo and anemo. As his dance intensifies, the ground responds, pebbles and soil levitating around him, orbiting his form like planets around a sun.

Many watch in awe, speechless.

Then, with a leap that defies gravity, Aerden commands the wind, and a gust sweeps through the plaza, lifting banners and causing gasps of delight. His geo magic conjures shapes of stone and crystal that float around him, glimmering in the twilight. The wind swirls these elements in a choreographed symphony of nature's power, and Aerden, the pivot of this elemental maelstrom, shines as the embodiment of harmony.

Onlookers, young and old, from Liyue and Mondstadt alike, stand mesmerized by the spectacle, seeing in Aerden the living bridge between their lands, a symbol of peace and unity. As his performance culminates in a crescendo of swirling earth and whistling wind, he brings his hands together in a soundless clap that seems to draw the very elements into stillness.

The stones gently settle back to the earth, the winds die down to a gentle zephyr, and Aerden bows his head in a silent salute to the elements he has danced with. As he opens his eyes, the festival erupts into applause, not just for the performance they've witnessed, but for the promise it holds of unity and the harmonious future it foretells.

Aerden, the Son of the Earth and Wind, has not merely performed; he has captivated hearts and sowed seeds of hope, his dance a beautiful testament to the world his fathers, Zhongli and Venti, envision.

As Aerden's dance weaves the magic of the earth and the air into a visual symphony, there's one onlooker whose eyes gleam with a particular mix of pride and joy. Venti, the bard of Mondstadt, known to the world as Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, watches from the edge of the crowd, not as a god, but as a mother, his heart swelling with an indescribable love.

Venti, dressed in simple yet elegant attire that blends seamlessly with the festival-goers, his hair flowing freely in the gentle breeze he herself commands, cannot help but let a fond, unmistakable smile grace his features. His eyes, the color of the sky at dawn, reflect the spectacle before him, mirroring the dance of his son, Aerden, with every twist and turn.

"Venti is there!" Klee squeals, recognizing him.

Albedo chuckles fondly at his little sister "Indeed he is."

As Aerden commands the elements with the grace and ease of someone born of two worlds, Venti's gaze softens, filled with memories of watching him grow, of teaching him the whispers of the wind, and learning from Zhongli, his father, the steadfastness of the earth. He sees in Aerden's dance not just the young man he has become but the child he once was, chasing after leaves and laughing with the joy of someone who found wonder in everything.

Venti's presence, though discreet, does not go unnoticed by Aerden. In a moment of silent communication, their eyes meet. Aerden's expression acknowledges his support, his teachings, and the love that has guided him to this moment. It's a look that says, without words, 'Thank you, for everything.'

As the dance concludes and the crowd's applause fills the air, Venti's applause is perhaps the quietest but most meaningful of all. He remains at the periphery, allowing his son the spotlight, content in the knowledge that he is not just his child but a gift to both worlds they belong to. In that moment, Venti's pride in Aerden is as boundless as the skies above, his love as deep as the earth below.

He remains there, watching as Aerden interacts with the festival-goers, his heart full, knowing that in him, the legacy of wind and earth will continue to inspire and unite, just as it did today.

Venti cuddles closer into his husbands side; Zhongli kisses his head softly "You've taught him well."

"I know."

"Wait, so who was that??" many ask confused.

"My brother." Xiao says.

The theater goes into an uproar.

The uproar in the theater is a cacophony of voices as the audience processes Xiao's revelation—that the figure seen on screen, displaying such formidable skills and a deep connection to the elements, is his brother.

Venti, still nestled into Zhongli's side, wears a smile of contentment, his eyes sparkling with pride. Amidst the uproar, he simply raises his hand, a gesture that calls for silence, and the crowd gradually settles down, drawn to his charismatic presence.

As the theater settles into a hushed anticipation, Zhongli's voice fills the space with solemn grace, "Xiao is not our only child." Venti, standing close by, nods in agreement, his expression soft with pride, "Indeed, our family is blessed with more children, each with their own unique strengths and destinies."

As the discussion unfolds, Aerden himself, seemingly appears out of nowhere, joining his family. His appearance is met with applause, a recognition of his skills and the love his family shares.

Venti, with a mischievous wink, adds, "And who knows? Perhaps there are more stories to be told, more adventures to be shared. After all, in a family like ours, the possibilities are as vast as the sky and as deep as the earth."

The theater, now filled with a sense of warmth and wonder, bursts into applause. The revelation, far from just an unexpected twist, has become a moment of celebration—a celebration of family, of the unexpected paths life can take, and of the lessons we learn from those we hold dear.

As the screen goes dark, the audience is left with a sense of anticipation and joy, eager to see what adventures this remarkable family will embark on next. The uproar has transformed into a chorus of appreciation and curiosity, a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring magic of family connections.

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