Chapter 12: Cat, or Oni Shiba Inu, out of the bag

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Another eruption of commotion echoes through the theater.

Gorou stands dumbfounded, his mouth agape, resembling a fish stranded on land, as he struggles to form coherent words.

Itto's response is a prolonged, drawn-out "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," his disbelief palpable in the elongated sound.

As the realization settles in, Arataki Itto and Gorou stand frozen, their expressions a mixture of shock, disbelief, and dawning comprehension. Itto's usually boisterous demeanor is subdued, replaced by a rare moment of speechlessness as he processes the revelation.

Gorou, known for his stoic composure, finds himself equally taken aback, his features betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath his typically impassive facade.

Itto's eyes widen, flickering between Yuko and Gorou as if searching for confirmation, his mind struggling to reconcile the present with the future laid bare before him. "Wait, you mean to tell me... she's... our daughter?" he stammers, the words tumbling out in a mixture of disbelief and awe.

Gorou, usually the anchor of calm in tumultuous waters, finds himself at a loss for words. His gaze shifts from Yuko to Itto, then back again, his mind racing to make sense of this unexpected twist of fate. He takes a moment to compose himself, his features softening with a mix of wonder and paternal instinct as he finally speaks, his voice tinged with a hint of emotion. "Yuko... our daughter?"

Yuko stands before them, her heart pounding in her chest as she watches their reactions unfold. She can sense the weight of their realization, the gravity of the moment hanging heavy in the air. She braces herself for their response, unsure of what to expect but hoping for acceptance and understanding.

Itto's initial shock gives way to a wide grin, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears as he takes a step forward, closing the distance between them. "Our daughter," he repeats, his voice filled with a mix of pride and affection. "I can't believe it..."

Gorou's stoic facade softens as he approaches, his gaze meeting Yuko's with a depth of emotion that transcends words. "Yuko," he says softly, reaching out to gently cup her cheek in his hand. "Our daughter... I never imagined..."

Tears prick at Yuko's eyes as she takes in their reactions, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions coursing through her. She steps forward, into the embrace of her newfound parents, feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance wash over her like a warm tide.

In that moment, amidst the quiet of the theater and the weight of their shared revelation, a bond is forged—a bond that transcends time and space, uniting them as a family in ways they never thought possible.

Once they finished talking everyone turns back to the screen.

Gorou and Yuko traverse the winding paths of Watatsumi Island when a boisterous voice echoes ahead of them.

"Hey, Puppy!" The familiar call rings out, drawing Gorou's attention. He blinks in surprise as he recognizes the source—Arataki Itto, his Oni boyfriend. "You said you couldn't visit this week," Gorou remarks, a hint of confusion tingeing his voice as he greets Itto with a quick kiss.

"Arriving just in time boss." Shinobu says.

Itto's grin lights up his face as he responds, "Wanted to surprise ya, Pup!" Gorou's bashful smile in return speaks volumes of his appreciation for the unexpected visit.

Meanwhile, Yuko observes the interaction, careful not to interrupt her parents—a fact unbeknownst to them, as they have no recollection of their future daughter.

As the couple exchanges affectionate gestures, Itto's attention shifts to Yuko, his curiosity piqued. "And who is this little lady?" he inquires, finally releasing Gorou from his embrace and turning towards Yuko.

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