Chapter 14: Mei

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As Mei navigates the bustling streets of Liyue Harbor, she finds herself swept up in a whirlwind of activity, the sounds and sights of the city a vibrant tapestry of life unfolding before her. Lost in thought, she rounds a corner and collides with a pair of figures, sending her stumbling backward with a gasp of surprise.

"Yay, my turn!" Mei squeals excitedly. Her friends roll their eyes fondly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Mei exclaims, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she realizes she's bumped into someone. She quickly offers a hand to help the person she bumped into, only to freeze in shock as she takes in their appearance.

Standing before her are two familiar faces, their features mirroring those of her parents—Xingqiu and Chongyun. Mei's heart pounds in her chest as she struggles to comprehend the impossible sight before her. These are her parents, but not as she knows them. They're younger, vibrant, and seemingly unaware of the future that awaits them.

"Parents?!" Chongyun and Xingqiu exclaim shock, turning to Mei who just grins.

Chongyun and Xingqiu's reactions are a mix of disbelief and astonishment as the realization sinks in that Mei is their future daughter. At first, they exchange bewildered glances, trying to comprehend the extraordinary twist of fate that has brought them face to face with their own offspring from the future.

Chongyun's expression shifts from confusion to a sense of awe as he looks at Mei with newfound understanding. He reaches out tentatively, as if to confirm that she is indeed real, his fingers trembling slightly with emotion. "Mei... our daughter," he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with wonder and disbelief.

Xingqiu's reaction is no less profound, his eyes widening in shock before softening with an overwhelming wave of emotion. He steps forward, his hand reaching out to gently cup Mei's cheek, his touch conveying a silent reassurance and a depth of love that transcends time itself. "Our little Mei," he murmurs, his voice choked with emotion, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of the moment.

Together, they stand in a shared moment of profound realization, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for the unexpected gift that fate has bestowed upon them. In Mei, they see a glimpse of their future, a beacon of hope and promise that fills their souls with a sense of joy and wonder.

Xingqiu offers Mei a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine kindness. "No harm done, young lady. Are you alright?"

Chongyun, ever the stoic one, regards Mei with a curious expression, his gaze sharp and observant. "You seem lost. Do you need assistance?"

Mei blinks, momentarily speechless as she grapples with the surreal situation unfolding before her. She hadn't intended to time-travel, yet here she stands face to face with her past parents, caught in a moment that defies logic and reason.

"I... I'm fine, thank you," Mei finally manages to stammer out, her voice tinged with uncertainty. She offers them a shaky smile, hoping to mask the whirlwind of emotions churning within her.

Xingqiu and Chongyun exchange a glance, a silent conversation passing between them as they assess Mei's situation. With a nod of silent agreement, Xingqiu gestures for Mei to join them, his smile warm and welcoming.

"Why don't you walk with us for a bit?" Xingqiu suggests kindly. "Perhaps we can help you find your way."

Mei hesitates, her mind racing with questions and uncertainty. Yet, there's a comforting familiarity in their presence, a sense of belonging that tugs at her heartstrings.

"Thank you," Mei murmurs gratefully, falling into step beside them as they navigate the bustling streets of Liyue Harbor. As they walk, Mei can't help but wonder how she ended up here and what the future holds for her and her newfound companions.

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