Chapter 3: Pregnancy angst

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Content Warnings for Chapter:

- Pregnancy and parenthood

- Emotional distress

- Themes of coercion and autonomy

- Intense emotional reactions

"What's next on the agenda?" several voices inquire with a hint of curiosity.

"We'll be delving into snapshots of yesteryear," comes the ambiguous reply.

"And which segments of history are we revisiting?" Venti interjects, a note of caution in his voice. However, the screen flickers to life before he receives any clarification.

Barbatos lets out a groan, stirring from his slumber and stretching out his wings. As he moves, feathers ruffle and gently cascade to the floor, creating a serene tableau.

"Ah, my head..." he mutters, wincing slightly from discomfort. With deliberate movements, he rises and dons his familiar attire.

Meanwhile, Zhongli offers a mischievously affectionate smile towards his wife, whose cheeks bloom with color under his adoring scrutiny. Then, turning a stern look towards the onlookers, he commands, "Please, respect our privacy. You're witnessing my beloved preparing for the day."

Positioning himself before a full-length mirror, Venti begins to weave his hair into an intricate braid. Upon finishing, he examines his reflection with a nod of approval, his smile reflecting a blend of pride and contentment.

As he gracefully checks his appearance with a series of twirls and turns, his expression suddenly shifts from satisfaction to shock. Adorning his stomach, a geo symbol pulses with a soft, rhythmic glow, its humming breaking the morning's silence. His face hardens into a glare as realization dawns.

"MORAX!!!" His shout echoes angrily, disrupting the tranquility of Barbatos' domain nestled beneath Windrise's grand oak. The sudden outburst sends birds scattering into the sky, their peaceful morning abruptly ended.

Far away, the Geo Archon, Morax, jolts awake, his tranquility shattered by the forceful entrance of a windstorm. The door to his chamber bursts open, revealing Barbatos, arms folded, embodying the storm with his furious gaze.

"Barbatos?" Morax's voice, rough from sleep, cuts through the tension.

Barbatos attempts to maintain his furious stance, but the sight and sound of Morax in the morning, his voice resonantly deep and his physique strikingly evident, send an unexpected shiver down his spine. Internally, Barbatos curses the allure of Morax's natural appeal.

"Songbird?" Morax's deep timbre now fills his space, his warm breath caressing Barbatos' neck, causing his resolve to waver as his knees threaten to buckle under the intimate proximity.

Shaking off the disarray of his thoughts, Barbatos steadies himself, determined to stay focused. "We need to talk," he asserts with a firmness that belies his internal turmoil.

Morax, now visibly concerned, nods in agreement, ready to address whatever has brought Barbatos to him with such urgency.

Barbatos gently guides Morax to the bed, urging him to sit at its edge, positioning Morax so he's directly facing Barbatos' abdomen.

"Is this the sign I think it is?" Barbatos inquires, his voice betraying a tremor of apprehension.

Upon seeing the geo symbol, Morax's eyes widen in realization before he tenderly kisses Barbatos' stomach, an act filled with affection and reverence.

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